Win XP - BL@@DY info bubbles off the icon bar

Win XP - BL@@DY info bubbles off the icon bar



Original Poster:

4,000 posts

292 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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How do you turn the flippin pop up bubbles off that try to help from the icon bar in the bottom right.

Help much appreciated...


12,425 posts

276 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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I wondered how to stop them too, when setting up my dad's new Dell PC. Installed Linux, and they disappeared


Original Poster:

4,000 posts

292 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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Thanks for the useful dad struggles with windows let alone any other op system


46,645 posts

285 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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Not sure which bubbles you're talking about... but right click on it, and you should get an option menu...


Original Poster:

4,000 posts

292 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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They appear whenever anything happens, ie. You get a local network connection a bubble appears saying local area connected at 100mbps etc then ie dissappears after a while.

They pop up for all sorts of things...annoying


9,396 posts

268 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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I know the ones you mean Fish, and I havnt found out how to turn them off myself either, turned off just obout everything else in XP though


Original Poster:

4,000 posts

292 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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Another one with XP Pro....How do you stop it generating MY Pictures and MY MUSIC etc. If you delete them they reset themselves.....MICROSOFT I DON'T WANT THE BL@@DY FOLDERS...

Any thoughts


1,175 posts

264 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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fish said: Another one with XP Pro....How do you stop it generating MY Pictures and MY MUSIC etc. If you delete them they reset themselves.....MICROSOFT I DON'T WANT THE BL@@DY FOLDERS...

Any thoughts

A quick search through the registry will probably help, although it may be that you can only "move" them and not get rid of them completely


Original Poster:

4,000 posts

292 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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Don't really want to play with the registry.....still can't fins the check box "disable the annoying microsoft knows best functionality, oh yes please treat me like a child and inform me of everything while I have everything set up like an microsoft demands whether or not I want it"


1,493 posts

273 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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To turn off what MS calls the Notification Area Ballon Tips needs a registry hack. For those happy messing around in the registry, details follow, for those that want to read the whole article from MS first, go here;en-us;q307729

The Hack:

1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then press ENTER.

2. Navigate to the following subkey:

3. Right-click the right pane, create a new DWORD value, and then name it EnableBalloonTips.

4. Double-click this new entry, and then give it a hexadecimal value of 0.

5. Quit Registry Editor. Log off Windows, and then log back on.

Dave Clarke

>> Edited by arcturus on Tuesday 27th May 21:56


Original Poster:

4,000 posts

292 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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27,190 posts

272 months

Thursday 29th May 2003
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You can also download "TweakUI for XP" from and look for "PowerToys"

The setting is under Taskbar... Enable Balloon Tips