transfering photos from iphone to pc without itunes

transfering photos from iphone to pc without itunes



Original Poster:

631 posts

157 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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Does anyone know a free way to download photos held on iphone to pc without using itunes please


13,659 posts

231 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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If you plug the Iphone into the PC can you not just see the photos & then copy/paste?


42,995 posts

206 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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Complete tech novice but the way Ive always done it in the past is to upload to iCloud and then download to my PC.

(Yep - just tried it - it worked)


1,935 posts

44 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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I just plug the iphone into the PC and open it as a removable drive

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,815 posts

245 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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As above.

I plug it into USB, open my computer, right click on the iPhone & import pictures and videos.


Original Poster:

631 posts

157 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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doesnt work anymore , using win 7 and all very unstable , occasionally pc recognises my phone or vice versa, then says usb port not recognised etc etc

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,815 posts

245 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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Windows 7!

You could always email them to yourself (if there aren't squillions)


59,980 posts

214 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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If you have them backed up to iCloud you can just log in to with your Apple ID and download them.


3,828 posts

279 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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Dropbox, set auto sync. Done. The free account is limited to 2GB but I find Dropbox so useful I'm happy to pay for more space.


5,404 posts

261 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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Not free, but very good

Free trial is limited to downloading 50 photos


Original Poster:

631 posts

157 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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Whoozit said:
Dropbox, set auto sync. Done. The free account is limited to 2GB but I find Dropbox so useful I'm happy to pay for more space.
I used drop box before but now have aload of photos I can't get rid off choking up my allowance! there seems to be no mechanism to delete all or in large numbers. Is this correct??


192 posts

91 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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if you have a old samsumg or borrow one .link your i phone to it transfer your photos then connect the samsung to the pc


3,828 posts

279 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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Twentyfour7 said:
Whoozit said:
Dropbox, set auto sync. Done. The free account is limited to 2GB but I find Dropbox so useful I'm happy to pay for more space.
I used drop box before but now have aload of photos I can't get rid off choking up my allowance! there seems to be no mechanism to delete all or in large numbers. Is this correct??
It's definitely easy to delete in bulk, whether through a browser, the app or File Explorer (intall the Dropbox app into Windows/Max)


Original Poster:

631 posts

157 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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so I downloaded dropbox which I have used before but can't see photos .

It is saying I have not enough space to download photos from phone and they want me to pay £95 a year! to upgrade to lowest level

on google photos it appears I have aload of photos on there which are the ones I cannot delete easily

so still no further forward and I am also intermittently getting the pop up... saying usb not recognised when i put plug my phone in ... ugghhhh!


5,404 posts

261 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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The cloud is useful for loads of things (as a former VP of cloud engineering you’d expect me to say that) but if the task is to get photos from a phone in your hand to a PC on your desk, I really wouldn’t be messing about with the cloud for that…


3,828 posts

279 months

Tuesday 19th November 2024
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Twentyfour7 said:
so I downloaded dropbox which I have used before but can't see photos .

It is saying I have not enough space to download photos from phone and they want me to pay £95 a year! to upgrade to lowest level

on google photos it appears I have aload of photos on there which are the ones I cannot delete easily

so still no further forward and I am also intermittently getting the pop up... saying usb not recognised when i put plug my phone in ... ugghhhh!
On your phone, in Dropbox turn off the auto camera/photos backup.

Open Dropbox on your computer. It uses a file explorer interface so it's easy to navigate. Move the photos from the Dropbox folder to where you want them. Make sure they're deleted from Dropbox.

Then go to the phone, manually bulk move the "new" photos to Dropbox. Repeat second paragraph.


894 posts

90 months

Tuesday 19th November 2024
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It is likely that iMazing can help and for free as it will download the Apple Mobile Support package that will probably allow the connected iPhone to trust the computer (vital!!) and then have photos dragged and dropped from the storage to the computer.

If you do not get the "trust this computer" message on the iPhone, it will all fail with a cable.


1,278 posts

175 months

Tuesday 19th November 2024
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Others have suggested the ways I’d expect to get photos onto my pc. But the icloud is as glitchy AF as is the USB direct connect.

I got myself into a situation where my phone was maxed out and I couldn’t use the cloud to transfer as it was too full and kept reporting errors. So I used the usb connect which would only copy a couple of random images at a time - I couldn’t drag / drop more than ten at a time. I spent weeks moving photos over individually checking they’d copied. Eventually I got under the iCloud limit, and managed to use the cloud to transfer. But again, that was glitchy, and all a bit random.

Painful when you have a few thousand images on your phone.

(Don’t get me started about how icloud also limits / reduces your photo resolution if you choose to transfer JPEG’s)

My lesson is to regularly transfer the photos and stay way under the iCloud storage limit. I think iphones become glitchy when they are near internal storage limits too.

Reading this thread with interest in case any other methods exist.


13,810 posts

181 months

Tuesday 19th November 2024
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not an iPhone user, but surely you just back them all up to iCloud and access that on the computer?

no need for all these free/paid third party apps.


10,542 posts

82 months

Tuesday 19th November 2024
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Back up to iCloud or Google Photos (get the apps) and then download to your PC to your hearts content