Power BI Table help



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2,217 posts

219 months

Monday 30th September 2024
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Wasn't sure whether here or the business section would be the best place to put this.

I'm fairly new to using Power BI

I've created a table visual where the columns have come from a number of different tables linked in from a cloud service. There are a few new columns in various table using the lookupvalue function.

On Friday everything worked perfectly. I refreshed the data this morning and the content of the visualisation disappeared, apart from the column headers.

I've narrowed the problem down to two columns from a table that was linked in after the others.

If I remove one, all of the columns reappear in the visualisation, but the data in the second column from the same source is blank.

I can't figure out what is going on. Any suggestions would be very welcome.



6,596 posts

167 months

Monday 30th September 2024
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I usually find when table visuals do this it's down to the table relationships. I normally go to the table view and check all of the links are working and have the correct one to many/one to one/many to one type flows set. I've often had to add a new connection manually to get the data back that I need.