Mac desktop files issue



Original Poster:

6,146 posts

166 months

Sunday 29th September 2024
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Mac running Sonoma 14.6.1 (which is being updated as I type).

A number of files and folders on my desktop which I cannot move (for instance to Documents) or delete (move to the bin).

Error is as follows:

[b]The finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 21.28.04 (2)" can't be read or written.
(Error code -36)[/b]

It is the same with any of the desktop files, and files within folders stored on the desktop, Nothing is important, I just want to tidy it up. Additionally, the file name has written underneath... waiting to update.

Error appeared after I topped up the internal HDD (iMovie "movies" folder) and ended up moving the folder to an external drive. I successfully deleted the original Movies folder and iMovie works as advertised since.

Have tried a couple of the work-rounds on line but I am in areas I am uncomfortable with. Could someone talk me through how to fix. Error only evident with desktop files & folders.

Thanks all - appreciate the help!

Edited by mattyn1 on Sunday 29th September 10:48


14,878 posts

149 months

Sunday 29th September 2024
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Are your desktop files stuck trying to sync to iCloud? If so then maybe try disabling that in settings.


Original Poster:

6,146 posts

166 months

Sunday 29th September 2024
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I did wonder if it were an iCloud thing/issue… the waiting to update seems to indicate that to me.

When we are updated and I have done a reboot I will try that.


Original Poster:

6,146 posts

166 months

Sunday 29th September 2024
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Post update, and reboot, seems to be fixed.

Probably the turn off and back on again technical fix! We like those!!!!!