Starlink - personal or business option best?

Starlink - personal or business option best?


Mark Lewis

Original Poster:

52 posts

7 months

About to move to the middle of nowhere with absolutely no broadband or even 4G signal of any use so going with Starlink.

Is the upgraded dish options for business users worth it? And the same for the priority service. Will I be happy with the standard personal use package?

Don’t need anything crazy fast but need to upload video content to the Internet on a fairly regular basis and much of my work is done online - and Netflix 4K would be nice of an evening!

Worth paying the extra for business?


566 posts

173 months

Not sure about business, but we have had the personal one for the last 5 months and its very reliable. Has never dropped out and getting c. 150MBps


665 posts

150 months

Yesterday (12:23)
quotequote all
Mark Lewis said:
About to move to the middle of nowhere with absolutely no broadband or even 4G signal of any use so going with Starlink.

Is the upgraded dish options for business users worth it? And the same for the priority service. Will I be happy with the standard personal use package?

Don’t need anything crazy fast but need to upload video content to the Internet on a fairly regular basis and much of my work is done online - and Netflix 4K would be nice of an evening!

Worth paying the extra for business?
I'm sorry I don't have anything to add regarding personal or business options but I can't help but post because I think it is so cool they give out cat stickers with them because it was found that cats sleep and curl on them for heat so they started giving cat stickers to on them. Thats prrtty funny and cool to me.


33 posts

25 months

Yesterday (14:12)
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Im currently on a project in the Falklands, 50mph daily winds.

The standard personal roaming package starlink has been brilliant.

screwed to a pallet, held down by rocks on a iso container roof. dish laying down due to the winds not in its correct up right position and i'm getting ting 250mbs and 15mbs upload.

its been the best thing i've bought for work.