Daft Excel Question



Original Poster:

5,127 posts

205 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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Sooo using = copies the content of one cell to another and keeps it relational, is there an easy way to do this but also keep formatting from the source cell? I dont want to have to copy and paste each time.

I have a spread sheet that has multiple pages that have the same "structure" basically week commencing dates etc and it would be nice to be able to alter one and have it copy over to all.


25,100 posts

206 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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Nope, not as far as I know.


53,197 posts

165 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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You can select multiple tabs (option key on a Mac, control on Windows) and the change you make on the current tab will be reflected in the exact same position in the selected tabs.


13,975 posts

248 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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Not sure if this actually answers your question smile

You can use Format Painter to apply the format of the source cell(s) to the cells that reference them, if that's what you mean? It's about 3 clicks.


Original Poster:

5,127 posts

205 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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bigandclever said:
Not sure if this actually answers your question smile

You can use Format Painter to apply the format of the source cell(s) to the cells that reference them, if that's what you mean? It's about 3 clicks.
What I was hoping to do, is create page 1 then be able to duplicate certain sections formatting and data into other pages.

So for instance B2 can be copied using = to D2 but it just copies the data. I was hoping that their was an easy solution to copy the data & formatting. frown

How do you do this with format painter? I have a had a play and cant seem to figure it biggrin


53,197 posts

165 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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nikaiyo2 said:
What I was hoping to do, is create page 1 then be able to duplicate certain sections formatting and data into other pages.

So for instance B2 can be copied using = to D2 but it just copies the data. I was hoping that their was an easy solution to copy the data & formatting. frown

How do you do this with format painter? I have a had a play and cant seem to figure it biggrin
There is, use my method of selecting multiple tabs and then apply/reapply the formatting on the open tab. This will apply that formatting to every tab selected.


21,678 posts

282 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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"=" isn't copying stuff. It's saying that a cells contains a formula. That formula could refer to none, one or many other cells. What format should Excel "copy" if the formula doesn't refer to another cell or refers to several cells that each have different formats?


5,351 posts

228 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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vaud said:
You can select multiple tabs (option key on a Mac, control on Windows) and the change you make on the current tab will be reflected in the exact same position in the selected tabs.
I've been using Excel since forever, and never knew that. Right! I'm off to go and trial this new knowledge on one of my huge spreadsheets! beer


53,197 posts

165 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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tangerine_sedge said:
I've been using Excel since forever, and never knew that. Right! I'm off to go and trial this new knowledge on one of my huge spreadsheets! beer
When I get spare hours at work I often pick through some formula that I am less familiar with and see what they do.


13,975 posts

248 months

Friday 13th September 2024
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nikaiyo2 said:
bigandclever said:
Not sure if this actually answers your question smile

You can use Format Painter to apply the format of the source cell(s) to the cells that reference them, if that's what you mean? It's about 3 clicks.
What I was hoping to do, is create page 1 then be able to duplicate certain sections formatting and data into other pages.

So for instance B2 can be copied using = to D2 but it just copies the data. I was hoping that their was an easy solution to copy the data & formatting. frown

How do you do this with format painter? I have a had a play and cant seem to figure it biggrin
Like this .. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/copy-ce...