Transferring chrome tabs/pwords etc to new laptop

Transferring chrome tabs/pwords etc to new laptop



Original Poster:

55,005 posts

265 months

Thursday 5th September 2024
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But without signing into Google?

I'm getting a new work laptop tomorrow and want to have chrome set up as I currently have it. But I don't want to sign in with my Google account as I don't want it syncing across non-work computers.

Any ideas? It looks like I can import history using an html file, but I can't see how to make one to import to the new machine.


2,042 posts

224 months

Thursday 5th September 2024
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Create a new (throw away) Google account on Gmail or just for the sync / transfer?

Mr Pointy

12,119 posts

169 months

Thursday 5th September 2024
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You can export saved passwords into a file & re-import it, or is this not what you are after?


Original Poster:

55,005 posts

265 months

Thursday 5th September 2024
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Yep, found that, thanks. Also managed to save my Chrome profile to the cloud which I think will do it. I'll find out tomorrow. 🤞