Reminder to backup iPhone to Macbook?

Reminder to backup iPhone to Macbook?



Original Poster:

2,454 posts

112 months

Friday 30th August 2024
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 28 November 2024 at 22:02


6,326 posts

63 months

Friday 30th August 2024
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surely just set the phone to back up to. the icloud ? Continues all the time in the background.


6,478 posts

275 months

Friday 30th August 2024
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Add an event in your phone’s calendar, with an alert, that repeats every two weeks or at whatever period you want to make the backup. Set it for 9:30 am on a Saturday, or whenever works for you.

If you’ve backed it up already you can ignore it, if not it’ll be your reminder to do so. After the first one you might as well align the backup with the reminder, and from then on you can forget all about it until your phone pings at you.


56,800 posts

220 months

Friday 30th August 2024
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Just use iCloud or set a recurring reminder in Calendar to connect the phone to your MacBook.

Easy way and hard way and all that.


9,961 posts

149 months

Friday 30th August 2024
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nuyorican said:
Ahh, should've mentioned: I don't use iCloud.
A question: why would you use Apple stuff and not bother with iCloud?


2,796 posts

107 months

Friday 30th August 2024
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There’s a built in REMINDERS App on your iPhone. It’s exact purpose is for the use you need

I have loads set and find it more useful than the calender.


2,796 posts

107 months

Friday 30th August 2024
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geeks said:
A question: why would you use Apple stuff and not bother with iCloud?
I have several Apple devices abd don’t use iCloud. No real need.

I do use Onedrive though, more useful for me. Everyone’s needs are different.


14,855 posts

148 months

Friday 30th August 2024
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Just use iCloud. The cost involved is small and it makes everything simple.


894 posts

90 months

Monday 2nd September 2024
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If you have a NAS, you can TimeMachine onto that, automatically and all the time.
We have 4 MacBooks set to do this onto one of our Synology boxes. It's an elegant and permanent solution.

btw the MacBook will also bug you that you did not back up to an external drive. You'll get the notification top-right all the time. My other half hasn't backed up to her external drive for 947 days biggrinbiggrin I don't know why she keeps it as a destination redface