Microsoft Teams - can’t get into Meetings

Microsoft Teams - can’t get into Meetings



Original Poster:

2,190 posts

220 months

Wednesday 28th August 2024
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All of a sudden I’m getting this message in Teams:

“You don't have required permissions to access this org”

Teams call I was trying to access was a corporate account, I’m trying to connect from my MacBook on the free Teams app download.

Some googling suggests I’m not the first to have this issue, but it isn’t really clear what the issue is, the issue seems to have happened recently - it used to be fine. I don’t normally use Teams much on my home laptop.

Annoying because it was an interview.

Any idea what the issue is or how to fix it?

Much appreciated!


2,467 posts

9 months

Wednesday 28th August 2024
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There certainly used to be two versions of teams.
One for personal accounts and one for business accounts


Original Poster:

2,190 posts

220 months

Wednesday 28th August 2024
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The question is if someone sends you an invite from a corporate account, are you now blocked from joining from a personal account?

I’m obviously not going to use my corporate account to attend an interview for another job…


2,467 posts

9 months

Wednesday 28th August 2024
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GTEYE said:
The question is if someone sends you an invite from a corporate account, are you now blocked from joining from a personal account?

I’m obviously not going to use my corporate account to attend an interview for another job…
It's been a while since I had the issue but I think it was down to the client rather than the account.
Does it work on the web version?

Edit - when I say client I mean the version of the software.


Original Poster:

2,190 posts

220 months

Wednesday 28th August 2024
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TownIdiot said:
GTEYE said:
The question is if someone sends you an invite from a corporate account, are you now blocked from joining from a personal account?

I’m obviously not going to use my corporate account to attend an interview for another job…
It's been a while since I had the issue but I think it was down to the client rather than the account.
Does it work on the web version?

Edit - when I say client I mean the version of the software.
Annoyingly it wouldn’t work on the web version of Teams either, just bombed out when you had entered the meeting code etc


894 posts

90 months

Thursday 29th August 2024
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You need your host to modify some settings for the meeting. It would be in the meeting options, I believe it's an option in security or roles.

This is a new "feature" since they "improved" Teams. It seems to bring the Teams UI closer together for Personal and Work/School but make it all not work together for whatever reason.


4,883 posts

291 months

Sunday 1st September 2024
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No solution to add, but I have lots of bother with Teams and different versions. I could not get I to a meeting that I organised and was the host for!

I have gone for Google Meet. It just works, reliably and no time limits. No good for speaking with people in China though.


1,769 posts

198 months

Monday 2nd September 2024
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Having attended a few interviews as well recently I experienced soemthing similar - essentially the thick client will not work (in most cases) for free (personal accounts) and it will default to the web version or simply bomb out.

Not a great experience especially when audio doesn't work as expected and you have to dial in via mobile!!