Basic spreadsheet help



Original Poster:

2,453 posts

112 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 29 November 2024 at 01:43


5,404 posts

261 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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If it's like most spreadsheets, adding rows above the final one will include the new rows in the total calculation


187 posts

146 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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There's likely a SUM formula in the cell calculating the total of the rows, something like =SUM(A1:A10). You'll have to update the second cell reference (ie A10 in that example) to include the rows you've added, the "10" is the row number part. So if you inserted two rows above the existing total row, the example formula used here would have to be =SUM(A1:A12).

Edited by fbc on Thursday 22 August 13:15


4,436 posts

117 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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Can you not highlight the line and copy it. Then paste it back into all the line below?

If you copy one line and then highlight 200 lines below you can then just click paste and it will copy the line 200 times, it will also update any calculations that are line specific.


4,402 posts

109 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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Glad you soted it, and no offence meant here, but I would be weary of doing business expenses on a spreadsheet as a complete beginner, hard to get my point across without sounding condescending, but just be careful is all I'm trying to say!


4,402 posts

109 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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Just sense check all the figures before you go acting upon them. Youtube is a mine of information for this kind of thing, good luck with it.


863 posts

265 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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Glad it's sorted. Couple of other thoughts before you go too deep into this:

1) I've not used Libre Office but it may not be the most "friendly" free option. You might consider Apple Numbers or Google Sheets - they probably have better easy options. Also, there will be TONNES of YouTube etc. resources on them.

2) I'm always a bit worried about using templates if I don't 100% understand what they're doing. As others have said, garbage in, garbage out...

3) If you're a complete novice to spreadsheets - is this the best use of your time or should you be delegating it? Not sure what that looks like (will an A-level student do it for minimum wage?) but what's the opportunity cost of you learning spreadsheets? (do as I say not as I do BTW)


10,043 posts

36 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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I would say learning a basic grasp of spreadsheets will be time well spent.

I also suggest writing your own as much as possible for simple stuff, then you know exactly what it does and how it works.
And put comments in there to remind you in a year's time.
Libre is mostly like excel, plenty of help available


481 posts

7 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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Gary29 said:
Glad you soted it, and no offence meant here, but I would be weary of doing business expenses on a spreadsheet as a complete beginner, hard to get my point across without sounding condescending, but just be careful is all I'm trying to say!
I disagree, in my technical job I frequently have to figure out oddly written software, and there are consequences if I get the final result wrong.

But it is quite motivating in terms of learning to know that you have to try, and having your own money at stake in a small business is also motivating.

And if it works first time you haven't learnt anything. If your concern is about tax trouble then obviously get someone qualified to look over it when necessary.


14,855 posts

148 months

Thursday 22nd August 2024
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Numbers is great... It's quite stripped down compared to excel but for basic stuff it's perfect.