MS Teams - Has it changed, or have I broken it?

MS Teams - Has it changed, or have I broken it?


Kermit power

Original Poster:

29,530 posts

223 months

Thursday 25th July 2024
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Before I went on holiday, if I was on a Teams call with 2 or 3 other people, it would fill my entire screen with them. Now, however, it just puts them in a line across the middle of the screen with empty space above and below them. I assumed that I'd somehow inadvertently changed my view setting, but no! I have it on Gallery still which is what I always had.

I don't want speaker focus, as that makes it harder to keep an eye on the reactions of an audience when someone else is talking.

Together mode? Seriously? Who in their right mind would ever even contemplate using that???

Immersive Space? God only knows what that even is, but I'm not going to ever be finding out as I'm not twelve, so won't be signing up to a new separate licence agreement for something that then wants me to generate an avatar!

I'm somehow wondering if I've managed to download a Teams Teenage edition or something! banghead All I want to do is figure out how I get back to Teams maximising the use of my screen space to display the people I'm talking to, but it is completely beyond me!


279 posts

151 months

Thursday 25th July 2024
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Teams seems to have gone downhill recently, its been the platform of choice for our company ever since the pandemic. But recently it is appalling, it crashed constantly, picks and chooses which input and output sources to use and they pics and chooses if it wants to display the shared screen with some of the attendees


1,994 posts

22 months

Thursday 25th July 2024
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It gets updates seemingly every week and usually not for the better.


3,067 posts

157 months

Thursday 25th July 2024
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Yep I’ve noticed recently it’s taken on a very unreliable streak.


12,250 posts

197 months

Friday 26th July 2024
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And now you get yourself shown on camera in the main gallery instead of a thumbnail in the top right/left and you can no longer right-click the gallery video streams and “fit to window” to show the whole feed rather than just the zoomed view.

Piss poor now.