Non-complicated software for shed design etc...?

Non-complicated software for shed design etc...?


Turtle Shed

Original Poster:

1,860 posts

36 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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If the PH hive mind wanted some software to design, 3D render, and make a parts list for things made of wood such as planters, log stores, benches, small sheds.... what would the recommendations be?

Don't mind paying, would like to avoid a steep learning curve or complex features.

Thanks :-)


2,042 posts

224 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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I've used Sketchup to draw up 3D plans for wood stores and planters.

Off the top of my head, I'm not sure if you can directly print a list of components. You might find an extension or an upgrade to the paid Pro version is needed.


298 posts

133 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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Absolutely Sketchup. I've previously used it to design Oak framed new build houses so a simple shed should be no bother! The free version should be more than fine. Just make sure you make use of groups!! Basically sketchup in its default state is like making a model using clay - left to its own devices it 'sticks' things together, so use groups to keep elements separate. If you can be bothered you can name them (add various layers) and that will assist with running a quantity takeoff! beer

Turtle Shed

Original Poster:

1,860 posts

36 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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Cool thanks, just having a play. Rotating a plank in real life is a lot easier than on a screen...


746 posts

85 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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Also have a look at Onshape


298 posts

133 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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Turtle Shed said:
Cool thanks, just having a play. Rotating a plank in real life is a lot easier than on a screen...
Have a look at YouTube for beginners videos, it's pretty intuative...once you get the hang of the basics! biggrin


Turtle Shed

Original Poster:

1,860 posts

36 months

Wednesday 26th June 2024
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cRaigAl205 said:
Turtle Shed said:
Cool thanks, just having a play. Rotating a plank in real life is a lot easier than on a screen...
Have a look at YouTube for beginners videos, it's pretty intuative...once you get the hang of the basics! biggrin

Yes I looked at a beginner video and did end up creating something like I was after. I'm sure I'll get better with experience.


14,855 posts

148 months

Thursday 27th June 2024
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I designed my whole shed in sketchup. Good program but takes a bit of understanding

Edited by thebraketester on Thursday 27th June 00:43


2,042 posts

224 months

Thursday 27th June 2024
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I would agree that the initial learning curve has many WTF moments, but after some watching some YT videos and persevering, I figured out the basics. Using components makes life easier. For instance, on the side / rear planks on a log store you quickly add and space out them without trying to manually figure out the gaps.

Turtle Shed

Original Poster:

1,860 posts

36 months

Thursday 27th June 2024
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Harpoon said:
I would agree that the initial learning curve has many WTF moments, but after some watching some YT videos and persevering, I figured out the basics. Using components makes life easier. For instance, on the side / rear planks on a log store you quickly add and space out them without trying to manually figure out the gaps.
Yes, that's one of the things I shall investigate. My currently log store effort looks like something that has been through a matter transporter at the same time as a box of lego.