Cleared my cache/cookies and now cannot log into Yahoo

Cleared my cache/cookies and now cannot log into Yahoo


Mont Blanc

Original Poster:

1,753 posts

53 months

Wednesday 29th May 2024
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I have a MacBook and use Safari, and have never previously (on this particular MacBook) reset/cleared the cache, history or cookies.

I read that one should periodically do this, for security reasons I don't fully understand, so I cleared it all.

Now when I try to log in to Yahoo mail, it simply says "We can’t sign you in at the moment" and "We are unable to process your request at this time". There seems to be no option to click on to go any further. It doesn't even give me the option to reset my password or anything.

It seems like since resetting cookies/cache, Yahoo has flagged my device as not to be trusted.

A quick google seems to show lots of people complaining about a similar issue, but with no solution.

Thought I would try asking the knowledge of PH.


11,030 posts

261 months

Thursday 30th May 2024
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Have you tried a different browser? Firefox, Chrome.

Mont Blanc

Original Poster:

1,753 posts

53 months

Thursday 30th May 2024
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megaphone said:
Have you tried a different browser? Firefox, Chrome.
No, as I don't have one unfortunately!

I can download Chrome and give that a try.

Thanks for the suggestion.


11,030 posts

261 months

Thursday 30th May 2024
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I get this in Safari, I don't have a Yahoo account though. Are you using a 'bookmark' or Favourite? Try putting Yahoo directly in the search bar.