Hp Laptop Windows 11 BT email



Original Poster:

7,878 posts

155 months

Thursday 16th May 2024
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Just been made Secretary of our club and wanted to construct a Bcc message template

Set all the emails up and when sent it out, the system said there was a incorrect email,,but not which one!

I decided to send out all 68 emails one by one, and got several email..address not found, however it is now sending me this message

Too many messages ( from [Err code: 421]

after i have sent out the same email body to several members

BUT it lets me send out emails to other people not connected with the club

I only have two more to send and it is not playing ball

Anyway i can get around this? and will it do the same when i send a message out Bcc with the 68 addresses on it



Original Poster:

7,878 posts

155 months

Sunday 19th May 2024
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Quick bump as i am getting RSI...lol

Mr Pointy

12,119 posts

169 months

Sunday 19th May 2024
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Have you searched for error mesage 421?

How many messages do you have in your Sent Items folder? Try deleting a lot of them some to see if (or moving to another folder if you want to keep them) & see if that cures the problem.

There's also this:

Where the last post ssuggests that there's a limit of 49 recipients as an anti-spam feature.

Can you set up a GMail address & use that instead? Most mail systems don't like bulk mail, even though 68 isn't exactly a large number.


4,555 posts

244 months

Sunday 19th May 2024
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Years ago I had the same problem when needing to send 180+ emails to our IAM group from my BT email. The limit was then 99. I simply set up 2 groups of emails each less than 99.

The group now use Mailchimp.