Excel filter question??



Original Poster:

211 posts

133 months

Friday 23rd February 2024
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Is there a way to filter this so it only shows the packs numbered 1?

So in the below, where there are 3 packs numbered 701, I only want to see 701/1, and so on.

Really hoping this is possible.



1,935 posts

44 months

Friday 23rd February 2024
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quick and dirty you could text to columns split the second column and then filter on the 1's


11,557 posts

294 months

Friday 23rd February 2024
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Simply put a filter (from the Data menu/toolbar) on the columns and then filter by [contains] and then type "/1" as the filter.

(screenshot from Mac version so window looks different, but process is the same)


Original Poster:

211 posts

133 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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Thanks All.

mmm-five, took me a while as on Windows you have to put in a * (so "*/1") to represent the other numbers, but I got there in the end!



7,462 posts

260 months

Wednesday 6th March 2024
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Just use a text filter "contains" /1:


11,557 posts

294 months

Wednesday 6th March 2024
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The only reason where you'd need the asterisk would be if you're using 'is' instead of 'contains' or if you're not doing it by the autofilter route and putting it into a formula.