Apple One Price Hike



Original Poster:

3,982 posts

203 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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Just had a note in from Apple that they are increasing the price of Apple One from £32.95 to £36.95 (12% so inline with inflation)

I don’t think it’s worth it. I’ll be going back to Spotify for the music, as the logic behind the app was better suggesting new music I actually liked.

Apple TV - Only watched “For All Mankind” but I fear the latest season is beating a dead horse.

I’ll keep the iCloud+ as I like the backup it provides for all our devices.

Apple Arcade - this will disappoint the children, but again, not worth it for one game they play.

Fitness+ used it a couple times but have a gym at work I can use instead.

News+ - only used it infrequently won’t miss it.


1,841 posts

152 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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Apple Music is £109 if you pay annually so you can save a bit that way. I like the various radio shows and Atmos content so prefer it to Spotify for that.

I dive in and out of Apple TV - let them build up some new shows, watch them then cancel for a bit. The flow of new content isn’t enough to justify an ongoing subscription imo.

Apple News - get yourself a library card and download Libby, PressReader and BorrowBox and have access to newspapers, magazines ebooks and audiobooks all free.

I like the idea of bundling services together in Apple One but have never been able to make the sims work…


Original Poster:

3,982 posts

203 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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[quote=funinhounslow]Apple Music is £109 if you pay annually so you can save a bit that way. I like the various radio shows and Atmos content so prefer it to Spotify for that./quote]

Thanks, do you know if there is an Apple Music annual subscription for the family?

I travel a lot with BA - they seem to have something in the lounges about PressReader, though I’m not an avid reader of the news.


1,841 posts

152 months

Sunday 26th November 2023
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They don’t seem to make a big thing of the annual rates for some reason I think the only way to find out is see if you’re offered the option at check out.


56,800 posts

220 months

Tuesday 14th May 2024
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Slightly random question.

Does Apple Music have music videos accompanying tracks or is it just the music?


Original Poster:

3,982 posts

203 months

Tuesday 14th May 2024
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bhstewie said:
Slightly random question.

Does Apple Music have music videos accompanying tracks or is it just the music?
Yes and no.

Has some music videos. Heavily skewed towards r&b / pop harder to actually find the videos. YouTube is better/easier.


2,635 posts

47 months

Tuesday 14th May 2024
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I'm just switchign back to apple after 2 months with spotify et al.

The problem is not using apple makes all your devices slightly stter. Homepods, stter. Airpods, stter.

Then you consider spotify is 12 quid and netflix is 11 quid, then all of a sudden paying 19 quid for apple's ( inferior in some ways, but slightly better in others) makes decent sense