Docusign Alternatives



Original Poster:

1,756 posts

186 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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Does anyone use any online signing type stuff but not the volume to justify a docusign subscription?

I might send 1 or 2 docs out per month that would be good for this but there might be multiple months where I send none so the monthly subscription, even at £7, doesn't really make sense for me,

any pointers appreciated


4,637 posts

57 months

Friday 11th August 2023
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I think you can just insert a pre-saved signature from Adobe or Kofax PDF onto a PDF and then just email it over.


449 posts

223 months

Monday 2nd September 2024
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Found this thread after searching for the exact same thing as I have the same low volume - I'm just about to start a trial of 'signable' which appears to cost £1.50 per document (or 'bundle'), though you have to buy credit, minimum £15