S24+ / S24 Ultra, or.....?



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8,983 posts

178 months

justin220 said:
I'm another fan of the Samsung Fold. I currently have the 3, and no major issues to report of over the last three years. I mainly use it for media when travelling and things like Netflix/Youtube are brilliant on it. I've not felt the need for a tablet since I bought it. Its fantastic having the inner screen open for multitasking.

I don't agree that the screen isn't much bigger than the slab phones, I guess it depends on how much bigger you need. Sure it will never be a full size tablet, but its noticeably bigger than my wife's iPhone when watching video.

The real disappointment with the Fold's are the cameras. The 3 is OK at best, its a real shame Samsung don't put the S24 ultra camera into them, and its significantly better. Again as a comparison to my wife's iPhone, hers is miles ahead.

Tempted to upgrade to the Fold 6 when its launched, but the camera is holding me back. I'd massively miss the screen however if I go for the S24+
Thanks, that's useful.

I don't think the cameras will be a big issue for me - and I'd guess the 6 will be a bit better even if not S24 Ultra better


11,057 posts

253 months

davek_964 said:
Thanks, that's useful.

I don't think the cameras will be a big issue for me - and I'd guess the 6 will be a bit better even if not S24 Ultra better
The camera's are the same as the 5, so will be bit worse than the S24 Ultra.


Original Poster:

8,983 posts

178 months

Luke. said:
The camera's are the same as the 5, so will be bit worse than the S24 Ultra.
You might be right but surely until the 10th that's just speculation based on the 'leaks'?


11,057 posts

253 months

davek_964 said:
You might be right but surely until the 10th that's just speculation based on the 'leaks'?
Have a look at this



Original Poster:

8,983 posts

178 months

OK - decision made.

S24 Ultra : Ruled out because it is just too big, and with the square corners - too ugly. I really don't have any desire to own it. I want S-pen, but the reality is I've used the S pen in my Note 9 about 3 times in 4 years.......

S24+ : The right kind of size / form factor - very similar to my Note 9. But that's a double edged sword - I don't want to spend ~£1k on a phone that looks pretty much like the phone I already have just so that my apps work. Seven years worth of updates was tempting though.

Fold 5 : Tempting, but I don't like the folded form factor. It does have S pen, but it's not integral which means I'd never have it with me anyway. It's a phone I think I could live with, but it's not a phone I want.

Fold 6 : Obviously not out yet, but it's hard to believe that it will be significantly different from all the leaks. Which means - although it is slightly wider, and slightly less tall - we're talking the order of mm, and it's still not a form factor I like. Plus - it seems it's followed the Ultra square corner design which is horrible - so when closed it's not only the wrong form factor, it's damn ugly too.
The simple fact is, while it is probably better than the Fold 5 - the differences are simply not big enough (and some, like the square corners are a backwards step) and since it's likely to be a £2k+ phone (I wouldn't buy one with less than 512GB) that's just not good enough. Samsung have the resource to have done better - particularly since this is the type of phone they've made for years now - and it's not a big enough step from the Fold 5.

So I've ordered a OnePlus Open. Pretty much every review rates it above the Fold 5, and it is the form factor I want. The fold is much less visible when in tablet mode than the Samsung - it was obvious in many videos, and mentioned by the reviewers too (although the fold 6 might be better I guess).
Lack of wireless charging will be a bit irritating - but I only really use that to charge the phone overnight - and a phone that will charge from empty to 100% in 40 minutes means that overnight charging seems a bit unnecessary now anyway.
I will lose some Samsung apps - I do use Samsung Notes for a few things, so will need to move them to Keep notes (which I also use). And I guess it will take some time to get used to the non-Samsung way of doing things (although I use Nova Launcher anyway).

I have some reservations. I know from having broken my screen before that official Samsung repairs can be done on my driveway from a van - I think Oneplus will be a little more painful. This is a bit of a concern with a phone that has a folding screen - which is presumably the weak point - and of course one day it may need a new battery.

But the reality is that for me, the current Samsung's just don't give me what I want. I am wary about moving away from them - but time will tell whether it's the right decision.

It's currently estimated to arrive on Friday.


2,813 posts

108 months

davek_964 said:
OK - decision made.

S24 Ultra : Ruled out because it is just too big, and with the square corners - too ugly. I really don't have any desire to own it. I want S-pen, but the reality is I've used the S pen in my Note 9 about 3 times in 4 years.......

S24+ : The right kind of size / form factor - very similar to my Note 9. But that's a double edged sword - I don't want to spend ~£1k on a phone that looks pretty much like the phone I already have just so that my apps work. Seven years worth of updates was tempting though.

Fold 5 : Tempting, but I don't like the folded form factor. It does have S pen, but it's not integral which means I'd never have it with me anyway. It's a phone I think I could live with, but it's not a phone I want.

Fold 6 : Obviously not out yet, but it's hard to believe that it will be significantly different from all the leaks. Which means - although it is slightly wider, and slightly less tall - we're talking the order of mm, and it's still not a form factor I like. Plus - it seems it's followed the Ultra square corner design which is horrible - so when closed it's not only the wrong form factor, it's damn ugly too.
The simple fact is, while it is probably better than the Fold 5 - the differences are simply not big enough (and some, like the square corners are a backwards step) and since it's likely to be a £2k+ phone (I wouldn't buy one with less than 512GB) that's just not good enough. Samsung have the resource to have done better - particularly since this is the type of phone they've made for years now - and it's not a big enough step from the Fold 5.

So I've ordered a OnePlus Open. Pretty much every review rates it above the Fold 5, and it is the form factor I want. The fold is much less visible when in tablet mode than the Samsung - it was obvious in many videos, and mentioned by the reviewers too (although the fold 6 might be better I guess).
Lack of wireless charging will be a bit irritating - but I only really use that to charge the phone overnight - and a phone that will charge from empty to 100% in 40 minutes means that overnight charging seems a bit unnecessary now anyway.
I will lose some Samsung apps - I do use Samsung Notes for a few things, so will need to move them to Keep notes (which I also use). And I guess it will take some time to get used to the non-Samsung way of doing things (although I use Nova Launcher anyway).

I have some reservations. I know from having broken my screen before that official Samsung repairs can be done on my driveway from a van - I think Oneplus will be a little more painful. This is a bit of a concern with a phone that has a folding screen - which is presumably the weak point - and of course one day it may need a new battery.

But the reality is that for me, the current Samsung's just don't give me what I want. I am wary about moving away from them - but time will tell whether it's the right decision.

It's currently estimated to arrive on Friday.
I think you need to look at the actual prices. £1k for an S24+ is wildly out of the real world price. You can get one for nearer £500.


Original Poster:

8,983 posts

178 months

SP_ said:
I think you need to look at the actual prices. £1k for an S24+ is wildly out of the real world price. You can get one for nearer £500.
I did look at real prices. For a 512GB S24+ - from sites I use - it is about £1k.

I am aware that there are places online that are cheaper, but I tend to order from places I trust and have used before. And that would mean ~£1k.


15,826 posts

230 months

I had the same dilemma as you last year, I had the S20+, which is still the nicest phone I've owned by miles and miles, but smashed the screen to bits and needed to replace. The problem was that the options were all to either pay lots of money for something that wasn't really any better, or pay a little bit more and get the Ultra which is too square, too thick and too heavy.

They need to find a way to put the Ultra cameras into the + models, that was ultimately what caused me to buy the Ultra. Which I'm still quite disappointed with because it just has no wow factor to it compared with the S20+ I had. That one it felt like you were holding an amazing bit of technology, the way the Ultra Tablets do.

The Ultra phones are just big and heavy, but take really really nice pictures, but are, disappointingly, probably the best option once you start having to spend money.


2,813 posts

108 months

davek_964 said:
SP_ said:
I think you need to look at the actual prices. £1k for an S24+ is wildly out of the real world price. You can get one for nearer £500.
I did look at real prices. For a 512GB S24+ - from sites I use - it is about £1k.

I am aware that there are places online that are cheaper, but I tend to order from places I trust and have used before. And that would mean ~£1k.
Samsung.com can't be more trustworthy :P


Original Poster:

8,983 posts

178 months

SP_ said:
davek_964 said:
SP_ said:
I think you need to look at the actual prices. £1k for an S24+ is wildly out of the real world price. You can get one for nearer £500.
I did look at real prices. For a 512GB S24+ - from sites I use - it is about £1k.

I am aware that there are places online that are cheaper, but I tend to order from places I trust and have used before. And that would mean ~£1k.
Samsung.com can't be more trustworthy :P
OK, fine. From Samsung, it's about £700 for a 512GB S24+ since I don't want to trade anything in.

It's a tad academic though. I said that I didn't want to spend about £1k for a phone that didn't really offer anything (other than up to date Android) over my existing phone, and that is equally true for a £700 phone.


2,813 posts

108 months

Yesterday (10:05)
quotequote all
davek_964 said:
SP_ said:
davek_964 said:
SP_ said:
I think you need to look at the actual prices. £1k for an S24+ is wildly out of the real world price. You can get one for nearer £500.
I did look at real prices. For a 512GB S24+ - from sites I use - it is about £1k.

I am aware that there are places online that are cheaper, but I tend to order from places I trust and have used before. And that would mean ~£1k.
Samsung.com can't be more trustworthy :P
OK, fine. From Samsung, it's about £700 for a 512GB S24+ since I don't want to trade anything in.

It's a tad academic though. I said that I didn't want to spend about £1k for a phone that didn't really offer anything (other than up to date Android) over my existing phone, and that is equally true for a £700 phone.
Makes sense. By most accounts, the Open is the best foldable on sale at the moment