


Original Poster:

8,959 posts

206 months

Thursday 9th December 2010
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With starting up an online retail store, I am going to be in need of a constant supply of decent boxes. Any advice on where to get good boxes for cheap and in bulk? The size of a football in most cases.

I realise that I can get them free if I go asking around and it might be a good option but on an ongoing basis; it might not be ideal. Any tips appreciated.


Original Poster:

8,959 posts

206 months

Thursday 9th December 2010
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AH - I found this where it seems the question was answered:


Original Poster:

8,959 posts

206 months

Friday 10th December 2010
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Wow, A lot to take in. No, I'll be needing a few hundred boxes a month in standard sizes and looking at the other thread; it seems that eBay is a good place to buy boxes in this quantity for cheap. I'd like to get to the stage where all of the above becomes a factor though!


Original Poster:

8,959 posts

206 months

Friday 10th December 2010
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3200gt said:
Ebay is not cheap for boxes! I have no connection with them so no touting going on, but I'd get them from UK packaging in Tottenham. check out there website they carry hundreds of different sizes and thickness's and styles in stock. no ebay "delivery" charges and you can see what your buying before you commit. Open an account with them and get credit terms also.
OK, I will check them out. Thanks for the tip 3200.


Original Poster:

8,959 posts

206 months

Friday 10th December 2010
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CHIEF said:
If you dont mind stretching your qty to a 1000 then go to this place.

If you want to buy small qtys then buy all mean buy from a packaging company like Macfarlane but they are when all said and done just a reseller otherwise go to a manufacturer like the one i've mentioned above.
OK, thanks for the tip Chief. Will consider this, definetly. It's January that I'll be looking at stocking up so will be ringing around in a few weeks to get the best deal I can.

Thanks again


Original Poster:

8,959 posts

206 months

Friday 31st December 2010
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Thanks again everyone, I'm now looking through all of the suggestions and it's been a great help. Best wishes.