Fraudulant company formation at random address

Fraudulant company formation at random address



Original Poster:

5,234 posts

246 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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A neighbour of ours has just had some letters through from Companies House stating that someone has formed a company at their address, without their knowledge or consent.

Obviously, this is causing them some distress as they don’t know what to do about it, what the implications for them are or who to talk to. Action Fraud and CAB have been useless so far.

I was wondering if the experts on here could help with a few questions:
What is the fraudster trying to achieve?
How do my neighbours stop that?
Can they get the company closed down?
Who do they need to talk to to get some help?
Has anyone been through this? Successfully?

Any help is gratefully accepted at the moment.


Original Poster:

5,234 posts

246 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Eric Mc said:
Have they spoken to Companies House?
They have but they are still in the waiting period for an official response.

Their main worries are that they don't want the address blacklisted for credit in the future and they don't want someone stealing their house...


Original Poster:

5,234 posts

246 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Panamax said:
If they are worried about they should contact the Land Registry who offer an "Alerts" service whereby you are automatically notified of any activity in relation to your property title. There is no charge for the service. apply on the link below,
Ta - I will pass that along.


Original Poster:

5,234 posts

246 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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MaxFromage said:
Have they submitted form RP07 via the online portal?
I will check.