Little business for youngster

Little business for youngster



Original Poster:

2,358 posts

216 months

Thursday 27th June
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My 11 year old lad is taking a bit of an interest in earning money. As a business owner I'm keen to encourage his entrepreneurial spirit but of course there are many limits for a boy of this age.

I think gone are the days of walking around with a bucket and sponge offering to wash peoples cars for £5 (nor do I fancy a huge bill when he drops the sponge and rubs grit all over someones P&J!) so I haven't encouraged that one. I've gone down the route of advertising his old toys on FBMP and eBay but that's not really a business in my eyes as there's not really any buying and selling involved.

I've considered trawling the car boots looking for hidden gems and then selling online so that is one option, but I wondered if anyone had any other ideas we could try. Obviously I would be overseeing everything he does but as I said earlier I'm quite keen to encourage this.


Original Poster:

2,358 posts

216 months

Thursday 27th June
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Great suggestions there thank you!

His interests are primarily focused around gaming and there's not a lot to be made from that nowadays as everything is digital.

I'll get him set up with something and report his progress back biggrin


Original Poster:

2,358 posts

216 months

Friday 28th June
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Superb suggestions there everyone, thank you. I think a few of these can be explored. I am starting by giving him £10 to go to the charity shop with a view to selling the items on Vinted. His challenge is to make ANY profit, then I will double the investment the following week.

I can't really bring him into my business, we are a sign and vehicle graphics company and my unit is 20 miles from home. If it was round the corner I'd have him doing odd jobs here but realistically there's not much an 11 year old can do without using the equipment which I'm not keen on.

I love the car boot idea as well, but as you say getting him out of bed at 5:30am on a Sunday will simply turn into me doing 80% of the work!