Commercial Units - No motor trade - Why?

Commercial Units - No motor trade - Why?



Original Poster:

1,633 posts

163 months

Tuesday 1st February 2022
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I've got myself into a bit of a pickle...I have amassed quite a collection of classic cars, and have run out of space to keep them!

So I thought I would start looking around the local area for commercial units to store them. However every single unit I go to view I'm met with "No motor vehicles, no motor trade, nothing to do with cars" from the property owners!

Nobody will tell me why, and they don't seem to care that I'm just one guy, not a business, who wants to put a few cars in what is little more than their overpriced commercial garage and pay them a tonne of cash. I don't need to work on my cars, I don't need constant access to my cars, they're not noisy. I tell them all of this but nope.

So I figured I'd ask on here what the deal is? Do car dealers and mechanics have such a bad rapport with their landlords that they want to avoid them like the plague?


Original Poster:

1,633 posts

163 months

Tuesday 1st February 2022
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The Rotrex Kid said:
Probably insurance related? Cars = theft risk, fire risk.

That’s my first thought.
I can certainly understand the fire risk aspect - if that is a factor maybe I could offer to install a sprinkler system. As for the theft, I guess that would be on me. I would need to pay building insurance anyway and even tho my cars are in storage they are all insured :/


Original Poster:

1,633 posts

163 months

Tuesday 1st February 2022
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Nigel Worc's said:
As someone who rents a small commercial unit for his own business I can only pass on my experience.

In my experience it is because anything to do with the motor trade causes problems , usually parking related, for all the other tenants.
Ahhh yes I hadn't considered that. Thanks for the insight.

One place I looked at was previously a car showroom and had 6 parking spaces, but he still didn't want anything to do with cars in there again. I guess he got burned somehow.