CRM Recommendations

CRM Recommendations


Pot Bellied Fool

Original Poster:

2,184 posts

247 months

Wednesday 21st August 2024
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Hi all.

Anyone got any recommendations for CRM solutions that aren't too OTT? It's for a mate of mine, a one-man-band who picks & chooses his clients these days as he nears retirement but still wants to keep on going. He's in commercial credit control & debt collection.

My Mate said:
I need a basic system where I can register clients and then register debtors underneath them. It would then have to
Give me storage for any letters/emails sent to debtors and then a diary system that I could set to remind me to follow
Up on debtors and lastly an archive.

Do you know if there is anything on the market that would do something like that?


6,440 posts

226 months

Wednesday 21st August 2024
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I have used a lot of different CRMs.

The way he would want to set it up (in my opinion) is have all his debtors as "Customers" and then have a field within each "Customer" called "Client Account" or similar, where he puts his actual client name.

He will then be able to filter all debtors by "Client Account" if he needs to see all the debtors from a particular client.

The other stuff around recording letters sent, etc, is all very basic stuff he'll get with almost any CRM.

For something like this, I would use Pipedrive:

If he wants super basic, he can also try LACRM:

Both are easy to use, cheap and have decent support.

I'd avoid Hubspot like the plague (expensive, buggy rip-off) and anything like Salesforce is going to be way too much.


29 posts

57 months

Friday 23rd August 2024
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HubSpot can get expensive as you grow or decide you need more features. Pipedrive is very user friendly but doesn’t have loads of features.

You might find that combining a simple CRM like Pipedrive with a customer engagement system like Convertkit would work well.


446 posts

47 months

Friday 23rd August 2024
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Gold vision may work well for you


1,199 posts

267 months

Saturday 24th August 2024
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22s said:
I'd avoid Hubspot like the plague (expensive, buggy rip-off) and anything like Salesforce is going to be way too much.
I would add ZohoCRM to this, the mature CRMs try to be all things to all people, and end up not doing anything very well.