Prospecting lists


President Merkin

Original Poster:

4,297 posts

29 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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We're on a sales push right now, mostly scraping Linkedin for contacts which is ok but it is fairly laborious for us with an impact on activity. Our market is a B2B & something of a numbers game & we need to up the intensity with which we qualify prospects. To that end, we're looking at D&B, Zoominfo, Crunchbase and the like for lists we can get into but not travelled this path before, I'm keen to hear experiences good, bad or indifferent?


77,931 posts

292 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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Very well-targeted messaging (emails, letters) can work but it's more like a longer game. If, however, you get more than a 0.1% response rate consider yourself lucky. (1% for letters was my experience for B2B.)

So it really depends on what you're doing.

But also building a relationship with a contact garners a higher success albeit taking a lot more of your time and energy, so it depends on what you're selling.


4,684 posts

235 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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Hard to comment without knowing what you do, or your true aim, but my experience of mailing lists has been they are a complete waste of money.

Assuming you have exhaust SEO/PPC/remarketing already?

President Merkin

Original Poster:

4,297 posts

29 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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If it's useful, we sell freight services & operate in the primary distribution sector I.e.truckfulls from factory to warehouse. It's ultimately a commodified market, over supplied, highly competitive & price sensistive. Once customers come on board, they tend to stay long term.

In terms of marketing SEO/PPC etc. is a non starter, it's all personal relationship stuff.


77,931 posts

292 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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President Merkin said:
If it's useful, we sell freight services & operate in the primary distribution sector I.e.truckfulls from factory to warehouse. It's ultimately a commodified market, over supplied, highly competitive & price sensistive. Once customers come on board, they tend to stay long term.

In terms of marketing SEO/PPC etc. is a non starter, it's all personal relationship stuff.
It sounds like it's big order stuff worth thousands per customer. I would pay someone to do telesales OR pay someone to do the non-business development stuff (logistics management?) so that you can do more of the sales work, and build the relationships. If it's price sensitive then you need to give something else to make people want to give you their money even if a rival offers exactly the same thing for 10% less. That will come from relationships with potential clients.


446 posts

47 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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Zoominfo - best around.


887 posts

177 months

Sunday 4th June 2023
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I placed an enquiry on the zoom info site at 11pm Friday. They called me twice before midnight, sent me 2 emails and 4 WhatsApps.

The next day I had the same. Anyone would think it’s the 80s!