Payroll Software for two employees

Payroll Software for two employees


London GT3

Original Poster:

1,049 posts

251 months

Sunday 14th May 2023
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My parents are in their 90's and we are employing full time live in carers. The two ladies cover 24/7 between them, generally working four days each and then swapping so it is four days on followed by four days off.

Originally I wanted self employed carers but that is difficult to find. The two ladies we have are excellent but I am going to have to employ them on contracts, register myself as an employer with HMRC and deal with their PAYE and NI direct to HMRC.

Can anyone recommend a piece of payroll software that will allow me to produce weekly payslips for the employees and also make online returns to HMRC so that I pay the right amount to HMRC. Some of the software I have looked at seems to do the payslips bit but not the online returns for HMRC.

Any recommendations based on actual use would be welcome.

Thank you.


176 posts

256 months

Sunday 14th May 2023
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Try Xero or Quickbooks, both are very good for small payrolls. Other option would be outsource to a local accountant.


3,917 posts

137 months

Sunday 14th May 2023
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I used Kashflow for mine which was free, really simple to use


9,914 posts

204 months

Sunday 14th May 2023
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Is HMRC’s Basic PAYE Tools still available? That should do it all for free


42,995 posts

206 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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essayer said:
Is HMRC’s Basic PAYE Tools still available? That should do it all for free
It is. I downloaded it over the weekend and ran Aprils payroll for a charity that I help out with. Very easy to set up although the payslips look a bit basic.


11,030 posts

261 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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Don't forget about holiday allowances and sick pay etc. You may need extra cover. You'll also need some insurance.

Sunday Drive

246 posts

30 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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Bright Pay


152 posts

211 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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Norgles said:
Try Xero or Quickbooks, both are very good for small payrolls. Other option would be outsource to a local accountant.
second this, xero payroll addon for up to 5 employees is £5 I think (on top of the basic plan), and the process is pretty easy to a) get set up, and b) manage going forward (has holidays etc.)

London GT3

Original Poster:

1,049 posts

251 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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Many thanks to everyone for your help. I will follow this up over the next week or so. I may be back with more questions! smile