Contracts tech



Original Poster:

887 posts

177 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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We send tens of contracts out per week requiring the receiver to print sign and scan back. This is a ball ache and takes a lot of chasing.

Is there a piece of tech where we can make this easier such a link they can click and sign via a phone etc?


75 posts

109 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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Docusign ? Adobe Sign ?


25,003 posts

294 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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It's possible to sign a PDF file from within Adobe Reader having set up an image of the signature to be used.

Then you can exchange signed contracts by email, no printing required.


524 posts

226 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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We have been using signing hub ( for digital signatures of contracts for a few years now.

Massive time and cost saver for us, more so because we couldn't post the contracts and had to be hand delivered by staff.

Has worked flawlessly for hundreds if not thousands of contracts now.

Mr Overheads

2,499 posts

186 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
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we use Docusign.


Original Poster:

887 posts

177 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
quotequote all
Thanks folks, I’ll look into those


332 posts

153 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2023
quotequote all
Signable is also worth a look. Pretty inexpensive for 10s of contracts & easy to create templates