Accounting Packages

Accounting Packages



Original Poster:

42,678 posts

274 months

Friday 8th October 2004
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Can anyone recommed a cheap simple small business accounting package?




34,444 posts

313 months

Friday 8th October 2004
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12,425 posts

276 months

Friday 8th October 2004
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GnuCash - it's free and open.


1,153 posts

261 months

Friday 8th October 2004
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Ted, would you recommend QB over Sage?


34,444 posts

313 months

Friday 8th October 2004
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I was advised that QuickBooks was easier to get to grips with and to rectify mistakes than Sage is. I get the impression that Sage is very much aimed at professional accountants/book keepers whereas QB is targeted at those who have to look after their own records (and don't have an accounting background). That said, I've not worked with Sage so all I can do really is vouch for QB.

I like it because it refers to things in terms that I can understand and my accountant is happy to work with the files I send to him too.

Horses for courses, but I don't hesitate to recommend it.

Eric Mc

123,186 posts

275 months

Friday 8th October 2004
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I agree with Ted. Having dealt with both Sage and Quickbooks over the year - personally I prefer Sage (but I'm an accountant). However, most of my clients who use accounting software use Quickbooks and I think it is better package for those with a non-accounting/book-keeping background.

It has some odd features which can catch you out though so you do need to thread carefully and make sure your accountant is on the ball when using the Quickbooks info for the annual accounts.


822 posts

266 months

Friday 8th October 2004
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I'm with Ted on this one.

If you're not an accountant, go for Quickbooks. If you are, go for Sage.

Simple (well to us accountants!)



5,257 posts

256 months

Saturday 9th October 2004
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Agree that Sage is over rated for small businesses IMO the presentation hasn't moved on since I last used it in the mid 90's.

I am using Hansa Office2, full accounting package, stock control, purchase orders, sales, quotes and a CRM package.

Great value at £700 for the application and £250 per year support.


8,982 posts

268 months

Monday 11th October 2004
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We bought Sage, on the advice of our accountants.

Think that QB would have been far simpler and, with Sage, the add ons and telephone service facility certainly makes it a more expensive package than first appears..


5,257 posts

256 months

Monday 11th October 2004
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Interestingly , my accountant said 'good' when I told her I hadn't bought Sage!


8,568 posts

293 months

Monday 11th October 2004
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Another vote for Quickbooks. Simple enough for me to understand, and no complaints when I send the file to my accountants at the end of each year.


1,153 posts

261 months

Wednesday 13th October 2004
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I'm convinced. I have bought the QB Pro. Hope it makes my accounting less of a nightmare.

Eric Mc

123,186 posts

275 months

Wednesday 13th October 2004
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Liaise with your accountant.


1,841 posts

251 months

Wednesday 13th October 2004
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I use MYOB and as a non-accountant I find it easy to use and gives me the info I need.