Sage - Supplier Credit Note

Sage - Supplier Credit Note



Original Poster:

7,073 posts

260 months

Wednesday 6th October 2004
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Orange helpfully billed us £1600-ish in error and then took the money as a direct debit almost straightaway.

It has therefore been entered on Sage and marked as paid.

Eventually they recognised the error, sent us a credit note and then a cheque. Have entered the credit note but there doesn't seem to be any way of paying off a credit note other than against another invoice! I can't post a negative payment on account either. Any ideas?


888 posts

260 months

Wednesday 6th October 2004
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reconcile it direct to the bank account.



Original Poster:

7,073 posts

260 months

Wednesday 6th October 2004
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And delete the credit note?
Yeah makes sense. Ta.