Gone very quiet



17,134 posts

243 months

Thursday 6th June
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Digga said:
Google for "Part L" foundation regulations. The rules are the rules.
Yes, I do know what those are wink However they’re not cannon as you know, merely a model answer - largely designed for “normal” (for which read wildly outdated) construction techniques. The last thing I’d be doing these days is building block/brick walls over strip footings.


14,866 posts

205 months

Friday 7th June
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My limited observation is it’s Bloody quiet everywhere except pet stuff, cheap home consumables and Taylor Swift dress up.

Only half serious.

Even cheap cosmetics aimed at kids under 25 has stalled, probably because of so many new brands- we need more kids.

I’ve just started with a scent factory which is interesting, we’re going to launch a scent business package inc 1 custom scent for an affordable fee. Scent a like copy stuff has unlimited sales apparently.


10,311 posts

208 months

Friday 7th June
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Must be quiet, I've had Google send me an ads email. I'd rather drink my own warm piss.


17,001 posts

206 months

Friday 7th June
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DSLiverpool said:
My limited observation is it’s Bloody quiet everywhere except pet stuff, cheap home consumables and Taylor Swift dress up.

Only half serious.

Even cheap cosmetics aimed at kids under 25 has stalled, probably because of so many new brands- we need more kids.

I’ve just started with a scent factory which is interesting, we’re going to launch a scent business package inc 1 custom scent for an affordable fee. Scent a like copy stuff has unlimited sales apparently.
If its decent.

If it doesn't smell like the original or actually last people won't buy it.

Tim Cognito

392 posts

10 months

Friday 7th June
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Dave_V6 said:
Must be quiet, I've had Google send me an ads email. I'd rather drink my own warm piss.
You'd rather drink warm piss than profitability advertise to new and existing customers? You must really like warm piss.


15,527 posts

218 months

Friday 7th June
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Tim Cognito said:
Dave_V6 said:
Must be quiet, I've had Google send me an ads email. I'd rather drink my own warm piss.
You'd rather drink warm piss than profitability advertise to new and existing customers? You must really like warm piss.
To be fair the recent ROAS on our campaigns makes it a valid option.


2,341 posts

140 months

Friday 7th June
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An amazon seller called me directly and then asked permission to email details of their business (maybe they have numbers for courier texts etc, but didn't have my email address).

These are the sellers of something I buy regularly through the year, perhaps £750 annually. I've had flyers in boxes with websites, but never been telephoned asking for direct business . Probably falls foul of seller rules etc.


14,866 posts

205 months

Friday 7th June
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22 said:
An amazon seller called me directly and then asked permission to email details of their business (maybe they have numbers for courier texts etc, but didn't have my email address).

These are the sellers of something I buy regularly through the year, perhaps £750 annually. I've had flyers in boxes with websites, but never been telephoned asking for direct business . Probably falls foul of seller rules etc.
£750 a year and they’re calling, risking they account is just madness for £750.


12,678 posts

172 months

Sunday 9th June
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Chatting to a few online sellers recently and the current trend is that online sales are rapidly declining - in particular Amazon. A few seem quite concerned that it's not going to pick up..


33,323 posts

122 months

Sunday 9th June
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Phooey said:
Chatting to a few online sellers recently and the current trend is that online sales are rapidly declining - in particular Amazon. A few seem quite concerned that it's not going to pick up..
That'll be my wife's fault - got her creodt card bill yesterday and it's half what it normally is. She's quite put out though - she obviously didn't realise so I'm sure will make it back up.


680 posts

86 months

Sunday 9th June
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Phooey said:
Chatting to a few online sellers recently and the current trend is that online sales are rapidly declining - in particular Amazon. A few seem quite concerned that it's not going to pick up..
Do you think it's temu/Ali/banggood hitting Amazon? It used to be almost a month wait for stuff from China, but now you can get things in 5 days (quicker than some UK eBay sellers) and they seem rather pushy with the coupons, daily logins and rewards etc.


14,866 posts

205 months

Sunday 9th June
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Spidersleg said:
Phooey said:
Chatting to a few online sellers recently and the current trend is that online sales are rapidly declining - in particular Amazon. A few seem quite concerned that it's not going to pick up..
Do you think it's temu/Ali/banggood hitting Amazon? It used to be almost a month wait for stuff from China, but now you can get things in 5 days (quicker than some UK eBay sellers) and they seem rather pushy with the coupons, daily logins and rewards etc.
If you’re a brand you are golden, if you’re selling generic you are at risk of losing out to unprecedented channel choice for consumers.

So - build a brand!


3,531 posts

27 months

Sunday 9th June
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"Brand" only works long-term if your product or service is beyond excellent and the market you are appealing to has the money to buy it. In the short term "brand" works if you pay off enough influencers to make it the to-be-seen-with thing, but that only lasts until the novelty wears off and all the fickle and shallow move onto the next fad. The vast majority of these new start-up brands fall into the latter category, ie. it's a st product coated in glitter with an obscene price tag because they've just had to pay 50 big-follower Tiktokers a sizeable sum to produce a bunch of videos filled with lies saying how awesome it is and how you can't live your life without it.

It's all fake as fk, but there's a killing to be made from the dumb youngsters who only care about their image and perceived status.

Louis Balfour

26,735 posts

225 months

Sunday 9th June
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r3g said:
"Brand" only works long-term if your product or service is beyond excellent and the market you are appealing to has the money to buy it. In the short term "brand" works if you pay off enough influencers to make it the to-be-seen-with thing, but that only lasts until the novelty wears off and all the fickle and shallow move onto the next fad. The vast majority of these new start-up brands fall into the latter category, ie. it's a st product coated in glitter with an obscene price tag because they've just had to pay 50 big-follower Tiktokers a sizeable sum to produce a bunch of videos filled with lies saying how awesome it is and how you can't live your life without it.

It's all fake as fk, but there's a killing to be made from the dumb youngsters who only care about their image and perceived status.
We are truly blessed to enjoy marketing expertise such as this on Pistonheads.


2,046 posts

200 months

Sunday 9th June
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Well Tuesday will be a crap one for me, been trading 26 years, been horrendous the last 2 years, my biz partner arrived on a Monday morning in early Feb, burst into tears and has been awol since, a week later I was contacted by the hmrc fraud investigation service...
You can guess the rest!!!.....love the fact last week he finally got back to me when I said I was liquidating that I (33%share) and another both owed 1/3 on a credit card (£35k)we knew nothing about that he had pissed up the wall in the last 2yr....


14,866 posts

205 months

Sunday 9th June
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rallye101 said:
Well Tuesday will be a crap one for me, been trading 26 years, been horrendous the last 2 years, my biz partner arrived on a Monday morning in early Feb, burst into tears and has been awol since, a week later I was contacted by the hmrc fraud investigation service...
You can guess the rest!!!.....love the fact last week he finally got back to me when I said I was liquidating that I (33%share) and another both owed 1/3 on a credit card (£35k)we knew nothing about that he had pissed up the wall in the last 2yr....
Oh mate that’s terrible I’m so sorry, business can be a horrible fker at times.
How did your partner get all that past you?


526 posts

22 months

Monday 10th June
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Further compounding the crap news,

Client I have had for twenty years went under on Friday. Whilst he's taken me for somewhere around £8k (which hurts) I feel for more him.

He's gone from £1m/year to having put £60k of his own money and from what I gather £40k personal borrowing (and car) into the business.

Now it's gone.

For the benefit of the thread, he was high end (very) fitted furniture. A genuine quality product.

In his words 'what now, I'm 53, no qualifications, and declared bankrupt. I'm f#+ked'

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

Monday 10th June
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My tale of woe from the freight world. I've courted a customer for nearly five years, think the first set of rates went over in 2019. Never managed to get a foot in the door but persisted on & off. Finally got in a week ago & took the first job away last wednesday. I'm a forwarder, therefore by definition, everything is subcontrated & I have decades long relationships with my suppliers.

Get an emal from the customer the following day to say the trailer hasn't arrived at its booked time. Turns out my supplier third partied it out again & they didn't bother taking it in for reasons we still don't know. Absolutely fuming & had to phone my customer & give it the full mea culpa, told the guy if he wanted to sack me, I'd take it without complaint. the guy was good about it & we carry on together but in my highly competitive, oversupplied world, there is very little worse than cocking up the first job.


33,323 posts

122 months

Monday 10th June
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President Merkin said:
My tale of woe from the freight world. I've courted a customer for nearly five years, think the first set of rates went over in 2019. Never managed to get a foot in the door but persisted on & off. Finally got in a week ago & took the first job away last wednesday. I'm a forwarder, therefore by definition, everything is subcontrated & I have decades long relationships with my suppliers.

Get an emal from the customer the following day to say the trailer hasn't arrived at its booked time. Turns out my supplier third partied it out again & they didn't bother taking it in for reasons we still don't know. Absolutely fuming & had to phone my customer & give it the full mea culpa, told the guy if he wanted to sack me, I'd take it without complaint. the guy was good about it & we carry on together but in my highly competitive, oversupplied world, there is very little worse than cocking up the first job.
It was a standing "joke" in one distribution company I worked for how we seemed to manage to mess up so many first orders we took. Absolutely no reason for it, the process was pretty simple.


2,100 posts

6 months

Monday 10th June
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Often getting a cock-up in early doors cements the relationship. Everybody's expected to have hiccups here and there, it's how you deal with it that sets the tone. The best reviews I've had are normally from clients where something's gone wrong and we've done a good job fixing it.