Land Rover location mystery

Land Rover location mystery



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1,448 posts

285 months

Tuesday 13th May 2003
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Why is it that all the decent Landies on eBay and in Autotrader are all a billion miles away from the Thames Valley? I've been looking for either a decent '60s 2A 109 Safari, or late '80s 110 diesel CSW for ages. They all seem to be in Yorkshire, Scotland, North Wales or East Anglia, and occasionally Cornwall, which is a bit impractical from here. They do exist round here, as you see plenty on the roads at the weekends, but never apparently for sale. The only local ones advertised for sale are rusty knackered sheds that can barely move under their own motive power. Also, nearly all the refurb and ex-MOD dealers are up North. I'm beginning to wonder if there's a conspiracy to keep the number of Land Rovers in the Home Counties down