Classic mini Weather protection

Classic mini Weather protection



Original Poster:

5 posts

38 months

Wednesday 19th May 2021
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Hi all, new to the page. I have 2 questions I need help with..

I’m thinking of buying a classic mini as a (semi) daily driver. I have no mechanical experience and don’t want to try and fix it incase I break it and even more haha.

I’m looking for a ready-to-go fun car to enjoy for many years and DON’T want a project or a fixer upper as I don’t want to keep putting it into get fixed/repaired all the time.

what worries me is that how bad they rust and I don’t have a garage to store it from bad weather. Staying in Scotland it’s always raining and the frost in the winter is really bad.

Due to it being a classic, of course I get that it will need some work done to it from time to time. But I also don’t want it constantly breaking down or in a garage getting repairs/fixed.

So my first question is about reliability...

So what would you do to make sure it’s as reliable as possible? Get it serviced often... and what else?

Second question is about bodywork..

How would you best protect your mini from rust? Thermo/waterproof cover, let it air out every now and then, Also get it paint protected? how would you keep the underside from rusting?

Everyone I’ve spoken to is giving me mixed reviews. Some are saying don’t get one as I’m asking for problems leaving it out and not having mechanical experience etc.. and others are saying they drive theirs daily and keep it outside in all weathers...

I know that was a lot to read through but my heart wants one but my brain is saying it’s going to be a headache and bank drainer haha.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks


Original Poster:

5 posts

38 months

Wednesday 19th May 2021
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Thanks for replying mate. Sounds like a hell of a time you had with your mini !

It’s crazy because there’s people I’ve seen that have one as a daily and it’s out on all weathers and they run fine. So I’m stuck on the fence with it.

Totally agree you can get better deals on other cars but I’ve always had a soft spot for the Cooper. It’s iconic and so stylish


Original Poster:

5 posts

38 months

Sunday 23rd May 2021
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So it’s safe to say they sound like a nightmare more than anything! Just can’t get my head around how people use them as daily’s then. Must be doing something right surely?


Original Poster:

5 posts

38 months

Sunday 23rd May 2021
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Well my plan was to buy a vtec engine for reliability so most stuff wouldn’t break down as often and it means I can keep on top of the other stuff (which would get looked at and fixed with a service/MOT anyway. Would put it on more often for check ups to keep on top of it. Surely it’s not going to brake down as much as people are saying, if I do it that way?


Original Poster:

5 posts

38 months

Sunday 23rd May 2021
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No, just buy one already with a Honda engine in it. Or a fully reconditioned engine with be great as well