State of the classic Mini market

State of the classic Mini market


Mr Peel

Original Poster:

487 posts

125 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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Been browsing classic Minis for sale after a few years away from the scene. Seems like £7k is the realistic entry point these days for an 80s or 90s non-Cooper that stands a chance of being solid. Does this sound right? Looks like there are a few allegedy always-garaged-old-ladies-cars about, plus ones that claim to have been restored.

Also, anyone know the going rate for the usual front end work (subframe, wings, A-panels, scuttle)? Must be about £4k these days?


57 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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I love old Minis, and had two back in the day, even though they were objectively really really bad cars, rusty, unreliable and badly built. The thing is I could accept that in a car that cost respectively 600quid (80s Mini Chelsea 998cc) or 200quid (1970s Mini 1000), but I would probably baulk at paying 7grand for one, especially as they can deteriorate really quickly. Also spares availability is superb as is the aftermarket for custom parts and upgrades, but the cost of completely overhauling one will be pretty high. When I owned my cars in the 90s you could acquire parts from a scrapyard, but common parts needing replacement like the rear subframes are now 500quid.


15,875 posts

109 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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£7k will bag you something just as you describe but even at that price there are still some that will need work. It’s possible to find a good limited edition model from the ‘80s or ‘90s at this price too.

Earlier this year I sold my 1990 Mini 30 for £5k which needed the paint refreshing and a new carpet, so they are out there wink.