A mad, bad Mini project

A mad, bad Mini project



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131 months

Thursday 20th February 2014
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benters said:
your work continues to impress guys, top stuff. . . not much tea making this time !
Didn't have too much time for tea Benters. What with the demise of kettle no.4 and you lot clamouring for episode no.4, something had to give... ;-)


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131 months

Saturday 22nd February 2014
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scotty_d said:
Superb again. Out of interest how many hours gets spent on this project per week? I take it you have to make a living as well smile
Nik puts in between 25 and 30 hours a weekend, every weekend into it.

Me? I like the sauce...


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55 posts

131 months

Sunday 23rd February 2014
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unclemark123 said:
This build is truly fantastic. Top fabrication skill and engineering guys. I am really hoping that the mini turns out fairly 'normal' looking at the end, and all credit to keeping a normal length round nose on it. Just one question in my mind, what are you going to do with the radiator?
Thanks very much. :-)

In truth, the radiators are a source of much discussion and thought. It's gonna be tight....


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55 posts

131 months

Thursday 10th April 2014
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Heads up, we're hoping to get you episode 5 late next week!


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55 posts

131 months

Saturday 19th April 2014
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131 months

Thursday 8th May 2014
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Thanks for all the great comments again everyone. We're hard at work on episode 6 now and we'll get it to you as soon as we can!


Bad Obsession Motorsport


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55 posts

131 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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Episode 6 gang, coming up next Friday! 13th June.

Friday 13th.... Hmmm. What could possibly go wrong?


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55 posts

131 months

Friday 13th June 2014
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In an effort to save the continued abuse of the F5 key worldwide, we've scheduled the video to go live tonight at 8.00pm UK time.

Really hope you enjoy it!


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55 posts

131 months

Friday 13th June 2014
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Here it is everyone, episode 6!



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55 posts

131 months

Friday 4th July 2014
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1) The parcel shelf was just rust free enough to keep. Plus there will be speakers going in as we both love some banging tunes. It won't look like it does now though, have no fear.

2) The difficulty in welding 2 different thicknesses together mean it's safer and faster just to get on with it.

3) We do have a bead roller, but as everything is bespoke and we don't know exactly where we're going to have to cut more holes in stuff, it seemed silly to put them in only to have to cut through them later on.

Benters + Prideaux

Radiator placement. Ha! The number one question we get asked. You'll just have to wait and see. Won't be too long now though....

Thanks everyone for the fantastic comments and your continued support!


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55 posts

131 months

Tuesday 26th August 2014
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There's been a few delays to episode 7 due to a number of factors. One of them being Nik contracting Ebola (or Man Flu, not sure of the actual diagnosis).

Happily though, we back at work and we'll bring it to you just as soon as we can!


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55 posts

131 months

Friday 26th September 2014
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Here it is gang, the long awaited, much delayed, highly anticipated Episode 7 of Project Binky!



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55 posts

131 months

Saturday 27th September 2014
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Gingerbread Man said:
I'm sure someone has asked before, so sorry to repeat the question, but what are the back tales of you guys?

One in video editting or just a hobby?
Designing the jig must have been through various projects. What pays the bills, general mechanics or the modification scene?
The Q&A session on our channel will answer some of your questions. Nik works in the motor trade and I work in the motorsport industry. We both have full time jobs, so this is a weekend only project. Absolutely no video editing/production experience whatsoever going into the build, so we're making it up as we go along.


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55 posts

131 months

Monday 29th September 2014
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threadlock said:
Another great video! Thanks for making the effort.

Was the comment at the start about sexist remarks relating to Nik's wife (or is she your wife? I can't remember) serious? I hope not but I found it hard to tell...
Thanks for all the kind comments guys!

Regarding Nik's remarks, he wasn't serious; one of the most amazing things about this whole experience is how fantastically supportive and positive the comments are, especially on our YouTube channel. It can often degenerate into a massive st fight. That whole sequence was just a way to shoehorn the 'head' gag in. Nothing more sinister than that! I kinda wish you could have all seen Sarah's face the first time I showed her the finished video.... ;-)


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55 posts

131 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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Quick update:

Hoping to have the next episode out around Christmas time. We'll know a bit more after this weekend, lots to do. In the meantime, we've set up a Patreon page. This allows any of you to become a patron of Bad Obsession Motorsport. Essentially it's a tool for you to be able to give us your money... There's no obligation whatsoever; we'll still be building Binky and bringing you episodes as fast as we can, all on YouTube and all without ads and not behind a pay-wall.

If you would like to contribute and help us out with the enormous cost of tea and biscuits, then we'd be delighted. If not, it's absolutely no problem.

We've got our eyes on a very special project for series 2 and we're hoping that Patreon will assist us to produce that series so much faster.

If you'd like to take a look at our Patreon page to see what it's all about then here's the link: http://www.patreon.com/badobsessionmotorsport


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55 posts

131 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2014
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Pixelpeep7r said:
Chris? Chris Harris? Is that you? wink
LOL, no it's not, but CH gave us the inspiration.


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55 posts

131 months

Monday 29th December 2014
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Thanks for all the comments guys, we really appreciate it!


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131 months

Wednesday 25th February 2015
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threadlock said:
Congratulations to you both!
Thanks very much! We're thrilled and terrified in equal measure...

Project Binky Episode 9 is slated for release sometime in March hopefully. Sorry it's taking some time, but as you can imagine, it's hectic right now... :-)


Original Poster:

55 posts

131 months

Wednesday 1st April 2015
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An announcement regarding the release of episode 9 will be coming on Friday. ;-)


Original Poster:

55 posts

131 months

Monday 20th April 2015
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OneDs said:
Loving the flip-front, Russell Grant did a good one a couple of years back opening in the opposite way. As usual epic stuff guys, shall get a mug ordered asap, in the vain hope it moves things along a bit quicker.

Out of stock!!!

Edited by OneDs on Monday 20th April 09:19
Hmm, had a bit if a rush on them the last couple of days for some reason...

Don't panic though, we've just had a delivery! Now back in stock...