A mad, bad Mini project

A mad, bad Mini project



11,063 posts

209 months

Tuesday 10th October 2023
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Maybe anyone who is paying still (I cancelled) should contact them on twitter or just stop the payment - if everyone did it then it would have an impact.


23 posts

11 months

Tuesday 10th October 2023
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I guess that while there's still $7000/month coming in they won't give a monkey's!


23 posts

11 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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In the past 3 weeks, the good folk at Bad Obsession Motorsport have posted a picture of a blowtorch on Facebook. No other content has been produced. They've relieved their Patreon subscribers of around $5200 in that time. Does anyone else feel like Nik and Rich are mugging off their dwindling army of followers?


12,968 posts

220 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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donaldtherapist said:
In the past 3 weeks, the good folk at Bad Obsession Motorsport have posted a picture of a blowtorch on Facebook. No other content has been produced. They've relieved their Patreon subscribers of around $5200 in that time. Does anyone else feel like Nik and Rich are mugging off their dwindling army of followers?
Well you clearly do, considering you've been moaning about them for several pages now and seem to have joined PH especially to do so

Why not just cancel your subscription and move on?


23 posts

11 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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smn159 said:
Well you clearly do, considering you've been moaning about them for several pages now and seem to have joined PH especially to do so

Why not just cancel your subscription and move on?


11,578 posts

287 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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smn159 said:
...Why not just cancel your subscription and move on?
Indeed. Terminate your patreon subscription if you think you are not getting any return on your patronage, but otherwise no-one is being 'mugged off' because they aren't getting a free Youtube video.


23 posts

11 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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Truckosaurus said:
smn159 said:
...Why not just cancel your subscription and move on?
Indeed. Terminate your patreon subscription if you think you are not getting any return on your patronage, but otherwise no-one is being 'mugged off' because they aren't getting a free Youtube video.
Yeah cool advice thanks for that. You guys are the best.


9,562 posts

228 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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Richard posted an update on Twitter the other day, they are still F**king around with gauges!

There was a picture on a trio of 52mm auxiliary gauges in a very unfinished state. This gauge set must be the most expensive gauge set in history...

What is more of a concern to be me, is I reckon they are going to last minutes when they are subject to vibration on the road. I can't see 3D printed PCB's lasting long at all.


5,525 posts

144 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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It’s an interesting one, you’d think with all the experience they have with building stuff for other people, they’d know when to stop with something, or when something just isn’t worth the time they’re putting into it.

I mean, I guess as it’s their build they get to decide whether it’s ‘worth’ it or not, but it’s hard to believe they’ll look at that instrument cluster and think “yeah, that was definitely worth two years and a couple of thousand lost Patreon subs”.

I am certainly interested to see how the 3D printing works in practice, but damn it’s been a long time coming.


5,525 posts

144 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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They’ve put out another video, this one is about the car their website hoster owns.

It looks like a cool car. I wonder how successful this branching out will be. I watch BOM for Binky, not anything else, diversifying a YouTube channel is hard to do well, I think.


11,063 posts

209 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Interesting comment on that vid from them:

Yes we are still alive, no we haven't given up on Binky, in fact it's being worked on almost every day, yes we've had various issues that have delayed us beyond what we expected, and no we're not rushing it for anyone, not at this stage. And in the meantime, we still love telling stories and we love making these films so they'll keep coming in and around new Binky and new Escargot episodes.

Shows, at least, that they are aware!


5,525 posts

144 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Caddyshack said:
…and new Escargot episodes.
I mean after three and a half years I would utterly love it if they kept working on it, but I think they’re deluding themselves when they can’t even get a video of the main project out hehe

That said, three and a half years isn’t really that long in the grand scheme of things, so I hope I’ll be proven wrong!


9,562 posts

228 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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I suspect this was the video we were due to see in around May time, if my memory of what they said in their last Patreon update I received before cancelling.

I am now of the opinion they are utterly taking the piss.


23 posts

11 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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I canned my subscription - so, it would appeard did some other people.


9,562 posts

228 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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donaldtherapist said:
I canned my subscription - so, it would appeard did some other people.

Ouch. 25% of the paid supporters gone in a year.

How did you get that graph?


4,510 posts

222 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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donaldtherapist said:
I canned my subscription - so, it would appeard did some other people.

I’m surprised it’s not been more.

You can take as long as you like but when your doing it for ed revenue but taking peoples sponsorship money is different imo.


23 posts

11 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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CooperS said:
I’m surprised it’s not been more.

You can take as long as you like but when your doing it for ed revenue but taking peoples sponsorship money is different imo.
At the risk of stating the obvious, setting up a YouTube channel with the intention of promoting a business then building a large Patreon following is a shrewd plan.

Where is all falls apart is when the two high profile project builds don't reach completion. Changing the channel's approach to celebrate cars which a third party have built and are driving opens BOM up to competition from all sorts of other content creators.

I'm no longer helping to finance Project Binky - the endless saga has soured, and paying to see other peope's builds isn't what I subscribed for.


5,525 posts

144 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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I saw this on their forums (not posted under their name):

BOM said:
What a rollercoaster of a last 18 months. If we had our time again, well...
If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through. It's been a turgid time at our secret volcano lair; illness, stubbornness, Elliot Ness and others have seen what should have been the culmination of ten years effort pay off in a satisfactory way have actually left us in quite a state in many different ways. The whole team has been dumped on in one way or another and we have all had to work through our own issues while dealing with the most frustrating and soul-destroying part of the build.
I know many of you have lost faith and truth be told it's been very hard at times for us not to as well; demons come in many different guises... We are not ones to air our troubles publicly.
However, we refuse to dwell on the negatives anymore, we've got loads of new content in the editing phase, we've got tonnes of footage for Binky Episode 39 in the can and we're shooting more every day. The M50 Celica video is just being polished, the 100-year-old Dodge is going to be an absolute hoot over two videos, we've got a beautiful replica Jaguar C Type BOM Classics that just needs a few more tracking shots to complete the shoot and more in the planning. Ben is taking care of most of this in his spare time.
Kicking and screaming the mini is being finished. Whether is bloody well likes it or not and that is our sole focus, after all that's our bread and butter. The payoff will be awesome - I have no doubt. (Narrator: He has doubts...)
Always ones to look forward, we'd very much like to offer you - our long suffering Patrons - the opportunity to give us a steer on what you'd like to see next. We need something to look forward to apart from the road trip to Ireland to get the Mini mapped on the Dyno...
The Escargot is going to take up a fair amount of our efforts in the new year, but the build bay will be empty so we have a number of projects in the shed that are due some attention. We have the MG X Power SVR that is going to be amazing, but very expensive as parts are hard to find. We have the Peugeot 205 Rally car with our custom built 1600 16v engine that we'd like to re-build with custom suspension and a host of modern improvements and turn it into a proper lightweight 1600 class winning car. We have an Opel Ascona shell sitting upstairs that we don't really know what to do with yet - anything is possible. We have a Ford Anglia 105E that's ripe for a nice restomod and we have an extremely rare 1967 (half year) Datsun 2000 Roadster that needs a total restoration. Also it needs an engine, oh, and a gearbox, and a back axle...
So if there's anything in the above list of stuff we already have in the shed that you'd like to see in the build studio, please let us know. None of them will ever match Binky for complexity or sheer WTFery, but each has its own areas that we have proper BOM ideas about. And none of them will take 10+ years!
I know we've been the worst content creators in the history of content creators recently creating barely any content worthy of your consideration so for that, we humbly apologise. In reality, and I mean this sincerely, it's only those of you who have kept the faith that have allowed us to do the same no matter how dark it’s been in the our shed.
Thank you, as always.
Nik, Richard and Ben.
I have my thoughts, but I've probably aired those enough over the last few pages, I just thought I'd put it here in case no one else had.


9,562 posts

228 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Interesting. What forum is that?


8,935 posts

199 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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It sounds good. The proof of the pudding though….