


Original Poster:

12,248 posts

285 months

Monday 26th February 2001
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I've got to the point where I'm considering selling the Griffith and getting a Tuscan. Interested on how much they are costing you guys to run? - ie petrol, insurance and other stuff. Also, what's the cheapest you've seen advertised. All help/opinions appreciated


Original Poster:

12,248 posts

285 months

Monday 26th February 2001
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thats the one I'm thinking about. Thanks though


Original Poster:

12,248 posts

285 months

Monday 26th February 2001
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Thanks very much guys, very useful. Apparently it has had most of the mods and is going into Fernies for the rest next week. Do you guys know if the Tuscan came with a Thatcham rated alarm? Also I'm not sure about those anthracite alloys, are the 18inch ones very expensive?


Original Poster:

12,248 posts

285 months

Tuesday 27th February 2001
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You lucky bu*ger, how does it compare to the Griff drive wise, its a long time since I drove one.