TVR Paint/bodywork Kent?

TVR Paint/bodywork Kent?



Original Poster:

283 posts

80 months

Tuesday 22nd October 2024
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I just need a couple of small touch up jobs done on my Griff, a scratch on the near side wing, and a very small area of damage to the paintwork where a previous owner put a stick on badge frown
I have a local mobile guy who says he can do it, what do you think? or should I look for a fibreglass specialist?


294 posts

20 months

Tuesday 22nd October 2024
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Contact Dan at Taylor TVR. His workshop is just off detling hill.
He's a TVR specialist so I'm sure he'll know someone that can help you.


Original Poster:

283 posts

80 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2024
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Harvy500 said:
Contact Dan at Taylor TVR. His workshop is just off detling hill.
He's a TVR specialist so I'm sure he'll know someone that can help you.
Many thanks, I’m seeing him next week, I think I did ask him a long time ago, and he did mention someone, but they were quiet a way from me, just a try at finding someone a bit more local, Ashford area.


294 posts

20 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2024
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Is your Griff dark blue and have a TVR number plate by chance?


378 posts

261 months

Friday 25th October 2024
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Ross at carremarket painted my griff a couple of years ago. He’s very good and reasonably priced.
He’s behind Morrisons at Larkfield. PM me if you want his contact details.