S3 - mystery clattery noise

S3 - mystery clattery noise



Original Poster:

198 posts

263 months

Monday 26th May 2003
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Car has started to make a loud clattery noise. It eminates from the rear left hand side of the car. Have had the wheel off and nothing seems loose, nothing hanging off, missing etc.

Noise missing when car at low speed (under 10mph) or when brakes are applied (foot or hand brake!!!). Noise fairly constant otherwise, regardless of engine revs, load, gear (neutal or not). Noise worse when car goes down off a bump (off a kerb say).

Any ideas before I cart it back to the dealer?!!!



Original Poster:

198 posts

263 months

Tuesday 27th May 2003
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Had a look between the brake disc and the plate - can't see anything in there. Mind you the car was only jacked up - it might be more obvious when they put it up on a ramp.

Audi are going to take it in tomorrow morning


Original Poster:

198 posts

263 months

Wednesday 28th May 2003
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Ah ha! Mystery noise is caused by a loose brake pad retaining spring. Going to pick it up from the garage in a bit.