Teddy out the pram insurance guidance please

Teddy out the pram insurance guidance please



Original Poster:

2,574 posts

184 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Hi all,

Sorry if this boring but I'm looking for some help or divine guidance please after having a duck fit regarding my insurance renewal.

Last year the premium on the wife's new for 2023 RR Evoque Autobiography was £500 earth pounds so I was hoping to get away with a slight increase
bearing in mind the state of the insurance market, however on speaking with my broker I was advised the average increase would be about 30 to 35 percent.

Right says I so lets run the true figures to which he now comes back with "and bearing in mind the vehicle lives under security camera's in a low risk rural location " at £1300 earth pounds, even my small brain can see this is not quite a 30/35 percent increase.

So the teddies now well and truly out of the pram and the knee jerk reaction is bugger that I may as well go get a proper truck which in this case is an F Pace SVR which my local stealer has in stock.

Well having listened to the broker spin out all the "well any thing with Range Rover or Land Rover on the bonnet has gone crazy due to the perfect storm
of thefts, parts delays and the cost of repair etc etc" I was hoping for something of a similar price for the racier vehicle going by comments and excuses
during the exchange with the broker............nono but alas the next lot of pony came my way with a eye watering £3300 earth pounds for the SVR sir.

All a bit finger in the wind but worryingly scary all the same as I was then told after I had finished laughing that anything and everything SUV or 4 X 4 wise
was now in the perfect storm regarding premiums.

Any way enough of my blather as the question I would like to ask which is mainly directed to those owners with F Pace SVR's is...... are you all feeling the pain of ridiculous increases and would you say such a premium is about right for a senior driver with no claims or convictions living the quiet life out in the sticks.

I fancy the local stealers un registered SVR but I daren't tell the wife of more of my man maths thinking regarding change without a bit more back ground knowledge so if any advice is out there it would be appreciated.......thumbup


Original Poster:

2,574 posts

184 months

Saturday 23rd March
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Crumbs, thats a bit of a shocker R.

Sorry to hear that but surely your not going to have to swallow that.

Maybe a 30 percent hike would be a steal currently then, however considering mines going from £500 when first registered new last year to potentially "if I swallow the pill' £1300 this year it still seems to steep.

That jump after listening to all the rabbit is not the 30 to 35 percent increase the broker was toting and I don't think I shall be needing Carol Vorderman to do the maths on that teacher.

Still fancy the SVR mind so hopefully some owners will surface if their not in shock themselves biglaugh.

Thanks for your comment though R.


Original Poster:

2,574 posts

184 months

Sunday 24th March
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I know how shocking things are in general "the wife keeps telling me" but the insurance prices in my tiny mind are just running away with the job.

Its just a scary and very expensive boat we all find ourselves in currently.

Thanks for the info thumbup


Original Poster:

2,574 posts

184 months

Sunday 24th March
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[quote=Simpo Two]My broker (insurance not stock) said 'If you've got a Range Rover and live in London, either sell it or move'.

My knee jerk reaction was bugger that I'll chop the Evoque in and take the F Pace SVR but the insurance guy then expanded to say its all 4 x 4's and SUV's
that are getting the major bashing and went onto suggest I consider getting a lesser ordinary non 4 x 4 type vehicle.

The F Pace SVR is now on the back burner cus Teddy's been ejected from the Pram after hearing that the cost to cover it was circa £3300 which in my mind is beyond crazy.

I'm living in the sticks for christ's sake not the great metropolis, there's more pheasants than people round here so why hammer poor little me headache.

I've had some proper cars in my time and never have I seen premiums anywhere near this, surely its going to knock residue values which in turn will surely slow the market down especially for JLR products.

I read in an earlier post that JLR had or where setting up their own insurance to help the situation, no doubt this will be another established broker working in conjunction with JLR and using the name as a front of house.

Nether or less I'm game and will be trying to get a direct quote from them over the coming days but I'm not going to hold my breathe.

Daft as it may sound but I can see JLR having to consider offering free insurance cover on new vehicles before too long especially if sales start to take a nose dive.

I think we are all in a very worrying situation, those that can pay will pay but many may not be able to pay and then risk running the gauntlet which will lead to a right nightmare come the inevitable.


Original Poster:

2,574 posts

184 months

Monday 25th March
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Sorry Simpo Two.

We do talk funny out here in the sticks biglaugh


Original Poster:

2,574 posts

184 months

Monday 25th March
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Thank you GR, thats most helpful.

Considering my age, mileage, location and insurance track record I did and still do think the £3300 I was quoted was overly expensive.