2008 V6 Petrol EPB problems

2008 V6 Petrol EPB problems



Original Poster:

41 posts

141 months

Friday 5th July
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After changing a rear caliper. I have this message on my screen "APPLY FOOT AND PARK BRAKE" I press foot brake and lift park brake switch and nothing happens apart from a chime noise. anyone have any ideas?


Original Poster:

41 posts

141 months

Friday 5th July
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Sorry forgot to say it is an XF


1,140 posts

238 months

Friday 5th July
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As the park brake is also on the rear the car is asking you to reset the parking brake. If its not working is there any chance you have not reconnected everything right?


Original Poster:

41 posts

141 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
Pretty sure all connected correctly, only had to remove cable to change caliper.

Today it has CANNOT APPLY PARK BRAKE in red on centre info panel.

Going to disconnect battery -ve and wait 10 mins then reconnect and try again.