Thoughts on long term F Type SVR values?

Thoughts on long term F Type SVR values?



Original Poster:

8,200 posts

200 months

Sunday 9th June
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The.SVR is one of the cars I’m looking at to replace my 2011 XKR later this year. Just wondering about longer term values - are they likely to hold up well?


2,492 posts

55 months

Sunday 9th June
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Diderot said:
The.SVR is one of the cars I’m looking at to replace my 2011 XKR later this year. Just wondering about longer term values - are they likely to hold up well?
Jaguars prior to the introduction of the aluminium models as you no doubt are aware never historically proved great investments . I think it depends on what you mean by the term "hold up well" . 20 years later , a good X350 XJR for example is still north of £20k so I don't think you have much to worry about with an SVR F Type . Massively undervalued in my opinion .