Complaint email to 2nd in command at Jag, long!!!

Complaint email to 2nd in command at Jag, long!!!



Original Poster:

43 posts

128 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Dear xxxx

Firstly thank you for passing your email address onto me. As Steve explained I have had a lot of issues with the purchase of my F-Type Coupe R, as requested here is the catalogue of events.

Making the decision to spend the amount of money ive spent and spending it on a jaguar F type R was as you can imagine a very big one, next to buying my house, the biggest!!
I thought buying into the Jag brand, the service and the experience would be second to none, how wrong could i be!!

> I initially contacted the dealership in Slough, spent time test driving the convertible discussing the spec, I asked that they call me with a date I could order. However I wasn't happy with the service they were giving me, initially they wanted wanted a 2k deposit just so i could be on the're list even though you couldnt even order a coupe yet!
I asked them if did they knew when the order would go through and they didnt know, so wasnt impressed that they would be holding my money and making interest on it.
So as you can imagine i didnt pay a deposit and asked them to to let me know when the car could be ordered, they phoned me about 2 months after i'd ordered one from Lookers, Park that normal business for dealers to not want 92k!!!

> I first engaged in conversations with xxxxx at lookers Park Royal end of January, I arranged to go in and I spent over 2hrs with him spec'ing out the car, the configurater was still under construction on your website so we had to work from a half printed half hand written document. Which ultimately lead to the black pack being missed off the final order, it was missed by the dealer and I also didn't realise it was missing on the final order form.

> Having placed my order under the understanding delivery would around April time, I was advised that the proposed date had come back as August. After various conversations with the dealer and the Jaguar brand managers who brought the demo car, I was advised that extra production space had been secured and I would be getting my car on / around 27th May. Had the date remained as August I would not had gone ahead with the order.

> From the time of placing my order I made numerous calls to the dealer to get updates on the date, quite often the dealer didn't return my calls which I found unacceptable, so i would end up calling at least twice in a day to actually speak to xxxxxx. As the delivery date got near the dealer became more elusive.
My car was supposed to be built on the 21st but was actually built on the 18th which i thought was great news considering the hassle I'd had and the dealer telling me that all the other f types that had been ordered had been on time or early, how wrong could I be!!! On the Friday before my car was due I found out that the factory in Coventry was closing that day for a week and therefore if my car had not left on that day it would not be delivered on time. I immediately rang the dealer to find out what the situation was and he claimed not even to know the factory was closed the following week which I found to be unbelievable! He appeased me by saying the car could still arrive Saturday and he would keep me informed, weekend came and went with no update! I had to ring and chase them yet again, it was this week, 27th may that i started to get fed up and spoke to Richard (sales manager) whom appeared to know nothing about my situation, (don't your sales staff speak to each other!)
Richard then offered me a car (not that i needed one) to try and appease me but i appreciated the offer, i was given his own car a xfs diesel.

> After resigning myself to the fact that nothing would happen until the factory reopened I waited for an update and waited.....yet again I had to do all the chasing. When the factory reopened the dealer still could not confirm a date to me, by this time I had given up speaking to the sales guy xxxxxxx who I was dealing with and had started to deal with the sales manager Richard. The next date I was told was the 4th June, i told Richard that i wanted to take my car to Dorset weekend commencing 6th June, Richard said if for any reason the car wasn't ready he would organise a sportier car for me.

> Yet again my car did not turn up and I received a telephone call from the dealership to advise the xfrs was to be collected and they were delivering a xj not exactly the 'sportier' version I was promised, after various conversations I did get a courtesy xkr but again only after having to get very irate with them for failing their promises!!

> On Thursday 5th I had to chased the dealer yet again and was told they still didn't know when my car was being delivered, at the end of my tether and getting very irate I told the dealer that if I didn't start to get some answers I would be cancelling the order.

> Friday 6th i received a call to say that they were collecting the car Monday from the factory and it would be ready for me to collect on the Wednesday, had they not confirmed this I would have cancelled the order

> Tuesday 10th at 5.30 pm I rang the dealer again for an update and was told by the salesman that the car had only just been delivered but should be prepped, when I asked what time on weds I could collect he told me that I may not be able to collect the car the next day as they would have to register it with the DVLA and they couldn't do this until 2pm on the Wednesday! He said that the sales manager should not have told me I could collect on the Wednesday.

> Wednesday - received a call at 1:30pm to say that the car was ready to collect!

> The handover - I was asked by Richard a couple of weeks previous if i would like the car delivered to my home or handed over to me with bells and whistles at the dealership, well i opted for the dealership....big mistake!!!!
I arrived at the dealership with my otherhalf expecting to see my car underwraps in the showroom, yep not there, xxxxxxx did the handover in the carpark, no flowers, champagne, nothing!!!
I asked xxxxxxx why the car wasnt in the showroom and his explanation was 'well the cars in the showroom would have to be unplugged and batterys fitted, cars outside moved etc. so they couldn't really do it' obviously to much trouble for someone spending 92k them!!!

> Issues with the car on hand over and xxxxxx told, obviously no black pack, overspray on both gloss black side skirts and a scuff on the passenger side, sticker residue on all four wheels (which xxxxxxx removed himself), bonnet not aligned properly on the drivers side and the drivers window now not working correctly

> xxxxxxxx made a list of all the issues and then after going to speak to the Sales Manager told me that the sales manager would ring me directly either the following day or by latest the Friday following their management meeting.

> After not receiving any call by the following Monday?? Tues?? (what a suprise...not) I rang to speak to the sales manager, he claimed not to be aware of any issues or the phone call he was supposed to make to me by the Friday. He advised that xxxxxxx no longer worked there, he apologised for all the issues and I arranged to take the car back into the dealership to get the issues sorted on Wed 25th June, he has also said he will organise a proper handover albeit a little late.

So the cars gone in and hopefully it will all be sorted but as you can imagine im not overly confident especially with Richard saying "he will look into the black pack" hmmmmm

Sorry about the long email but feeling very let down so im sure you'll understand.

Yours sincerely

Tim Bolson

Edited by timbo1969 on Sunday 29th June 01:07

Mr Trophy

6,808 posts

208 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Did you send that, really?


6,008 posts

158 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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You urgently need a subeditor. Or just an editor, really. A down on their luck, desperate editor that can wk out tippex for coins.


Original Poster:

43 posts

128 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Yes i did send that Mr trophy, why!!

Trashbat, and why do i need an editor, is the grammer not up to your std!!!


51,763 posts

160 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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That's not a letter/email. That's a stream of consciousness.


6,008 posts

158 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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timbo1969 said:
Yes i did send that Mr trophy, why!!

Trashbat, and why do i need an editor, is the grammer not up to your std!!!
Honestly, not really, but it's less about that and more that it's not very professional. I doubt it'll get you what you want.


51,763 posts

160 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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trashbat said:
timbo1969 said:
Yes i did send that Mr trophy, why!!

Trashbat, and why do i need an editor, is the grammer not up to your std!!!
Honestly, not really, but it's less about that and more that it's not very professional. I doubt it'll get you what you want.
I think the point is that if you email a senior bod, you don't need war and peace to get what you want. Short, clear bullet points will suffice... and more likely to get action.


Original Poster:

43 posts

128 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Well thanks guys, instead of getting your opinion on the treatment i've recieved from Jaguar you've decided to rip apart my email and grammer.
Now i know why some people wont bother posting and this is probably one more!!!


51,763 posts

160 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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timbo1969 said:
Well thanks guys, instead of getting your opinion on the treatment i've recieved from Jaguar you've decided to rip apart my email and grammer.
Now i know why some people wont bother posting and this is probably one more!!!
No, I'm not. I'm sharing experience of dealing with C level execs who are time poor. Less can be more when trying to resolve an issue.

I was being constructive, don't be so defensive.


59 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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timbo1969 said:
Well thanks guys, instead of getting your opinion on the treatment i've recieved from Jaguar you've decided to rip apart my email and grammer.
Now i know why some people wont bother posting and this is probably one more!!!
Perhaps you should have posted before you mailed it and then you would have had some worthwhile advice, IMO.

Jaguar have treated you badly, that's undeniable. But what do you think you'll get from them? Reading your mail I guess you're just after some 'freebies' or some form of compensation.

A well written mail that would have said to Jaguar, "this is a well educated, influential customer who will do us harm if we don't appease him"; sadly you've just told them you're not that literate and are on the scrounge. Again IMO.

I would expect you'll get passed to some minor CR employee who will get you a trackday or something, if you're lucky. If you're not lucky all you'll get will be meaningless platitudes.


99 posts

205 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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I agree with the previous 2 posters. I am a business owner (Jaguar Independent) and I found the email poorly written. It would have been far better to have bullet points on the major issues which I assume from reading the email were down to delays in the delivery of your car.

An email in a case like this should be no different to a business letter in format or a complaint will not be dealt with in the way you might wish it to be dealt with.

I don't think anyone is trying to be nasty about your email and they are actually trying to help you get a resolution to your issues.


4,575 posts

215 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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It always puzzles me how some people, who are presumably able to run successful businesses or have high-paying jobs, given their purchasing power, can struggle so much with the most basic "skills".
Then I saw it - Slough - and it all fell into place.


6,008 posts

158 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Put more politely, what I think your email actually says is:

- my car was two weeks late
- your dealerships' communication isn't very good

It doesn't ask for anything, or suggest anything.

What do you actually want?


1,778 posts

143 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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In summary, I believe OP would like:

  • the bonnet aligned properly.
  • the scuff mark repaired.
  • the overspray removed.
  • the black pack fitted.
  • a bunch of flowers.
  • a bottle of champagne.
  • a professional handover, completed within the showroom.
  • an apology in respect of the delays and mishandling of the order.
The first three are of course reasonable and I'm sure that will happen. In respect of the missing black pack - you should have noticed a price discrepancy? Although equally they shouldn't have let this happen either. The flowers, champagne and showroom handover are nice touches but that's all. You should, of course receive an apology.

If you had constructed a simple and well written letter then you would be more likely to achieve your aims.


502 posts

221 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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It would not matter to me how a letter is written if it was one of my customers I would just want to resolve the problems and keep the customer happy !


633 posts

135 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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It would not matter to me how a letter is written if it was one of my customers I would just want to resolve the problems and keep the customer happy !

exactly !!!!


Original Poster:

43 posts

128 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Trashbat, i agree i didn't ask for anything because i feel if they think the service i've recieved deserves anything then thats up to them to offer what they see appropriate.
Would you not feel the same considering the service i've had!!

Purity12 and who are you to decide i talk like that, there are to many people like you on forums who hide behind a keyboard.

Cheers awg454.

And to all you other do sayers, i was actually asked be the reciever of my email to list everything thats happened to me and my car, he didnt ask for bullet points or proper grammer just a list.


4,015 posts

242 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Aside all the stress and problems which can all hopefully be resolved to you satisfaction. How are you liking the car?


1,307 posts

180 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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OP what are you wanting to achieve from this email?


1,535 posts

236 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Unless I misunderstand, it appears most of your issues are actually with the dealer and a poor salesman that has now left.

I think I would have escalated within the dealership first and passed to Jaguar if not resolved.