Filling up probs?

Filling up probs?



Original Poster:

831 posts

273 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
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Anyone else having problems filling up with petrol from a normal garage pump? My SR3 needs to be filled very slowly and the pump is forever clicking off.

Also having problems with the digital gauges - gear indicator used to only read to 4th but now *everything* seems to have gone a bit haywire. Anyone else suffering from the same software glitches?


Original Poster:

831 posts

273 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
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I'll be taking the SR3 back to the factory for a service soon and discuss with them prior to that whether they have a fix for the pump fueling. Not exactly a racing style pitstop if it takes ten minutes to squeeze 20 litres in.

Could really do with having some sort of fuel gauge fitted too as I don't really trust the accuracy of the red light warning (especially when all my other readings seem a bit haywire at the moment!). At the moment, I'm keeping a mental note of how far I've travelled since filling up but my old brain could do without the hassle of this.


Original Poster:

831 posts

273 months

Wednesday 4th June 2003
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Thanks for asking about it. How difficult would it be to make a seperate fuel gauge? Any technically minded bods have an answer? I'm thinking it wouldn't be *too* hard but that's a guess.

P.S. Hope your repair bill wasn't too large if the repair wasn't covered under warranty.