I Got One



Original Poster:

225 posts

261 months

Thursday 20th March 2003
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Finally managed to arrange for the disposal of my R500 and acquisition of a 1300 Supersport SR3. Picked it up yesterday and did a track day at Combe today. Phenomenal machine, so different to the 7. I think it will take me some while and tuition to learn to drive it properly!

First impressions are that it does not have the same exsplosive acceleration as the R500 but the aero and chassis dynamics and brakes are more than compensation for this. Had a couple of 'moments' but it seems easy (touching wood) to catch a wayward tail. I felt at home in the car very quickly although I must say that it is pretty hard work to drive quickly as the steering is quite heavy and everything seems to happen at a rather frantic pace. I will get used to it I'm sure, but I was seriously knackered at the end of the day!


Original Poster:

225 posts

261 months

Thursday 20th March 2003
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My car is a red 1300cc Supersport. Pretty much bare bones spec. with just lights and passenger 6 point as add-ons. I have wets and slicks. There are a few things I will get Radical to do at some point. Initial shopping list is:-

- Gear drive oil cooler
- Rear undertray
- Brake bias adjuster

Dave, bet you cannot wait to get your hands on yours. What trackdays have you booked in the near future, it would be good to meet up at one. I think that I will try to book a bedford day with RMA quite soon as this is in my view simply the best place to explore cars handling in relative safety.

Think you are all right about the gym! Oh dear...


Original Poster:

225 posts

261 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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Hi chaps. Thanks for all the encouraging and helpful words. Danny, I did not change my mind about the oil cooler. I bought my car 'used' so I inherited the spec. The additions would be to allow the car to run longer without me worriying about the gear oil getting too hot. I understand that the rear undertray helps with aerodynamic downforce (as well as keeping the engine cleaner) and the bias adjuster is pretty much essential for wet conditions I would think. Oh and I will need to add a cockpit cover as I have an open trailer!

Alec, I am new to Radicals and something of a mechanical ignoramus I'm afraid. Could you tell me how I adjust the steering rack and please explain what you mean by the 'insert roll pin under the gaters etc.' suggestion?

Cheers all. Andrew