I've been Radicall'd!!

I've been Radicall'd!!



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287 months

Saturday 18th January 2003
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Just ordered a new Radical SR3 Supersport, awesome bit of kit, and really looking forward to it arriving mid April. Hopefully shaken down and ready for Folembray!

It's the "silly" 252bhp one, with 70-odd bhp more than the one that beat the Zonda on Top Gear by several seconds. Of course, I need to learn to drive it properly now!


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7,553 posts

287 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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Cheers Joost & Mike!

Mike, I did the Don Palmer wet handling course a couple of years back via PH. Was great fun, and learned a lot. Don isn't running it any more, I believe because MIRA is now more difficult to access. But call him for a chat to make sure. Charlotte Osborne (Top Cats) is giving Gilly some track instruction and should be very good. I also met a guy at Oulton who races Radicals, I'll try and dig his number out, but he seemed really good and thorough.

I'll be selling the trailer to make way for a bigger one for the Radical. I'd like to sell it as part of the package with the car, but if change my mind would you be interested then?


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7,553 posts

287 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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lonman said: I'll be ready to get out of your way........

Hi Rob!

Glad to hear you're coming with a new toy! Would love to have a passenger ride (of course I'll reciprocate with the SR3). Doubt I'll have learned the car well enough to push it but it will be fun to see how different it is compared to the Caterham!



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287 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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Provisionally booked for 19 April, and will firm up booking when I get confirmation on delivery date!

Did you get the "snug'n'dry" ones?


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7,553 posts

287 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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Cheers Mike!

I've chosen the 252bhp 1500cc. I think, for the time being, it is plenty quick enough. But when Radical bring out the 350bhp+ V8 later (which can bolt into the SR3 I've been told), well, who knows?! :eek!:



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7,553 posts

287 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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Nigel, an error message page of some sort comes up when I click on the link to your page!


Original Poster:

7,553 posts

287 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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I'd be interested in some tuition, possibly DannyLT and I together. Can you email me some details offline, to derodra999@hotmail.com
