Is owning a Radical for track days remotely simple?

Is owning a Radical for track days remotely simple?



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181 months

Monday 15th November 2021
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From my limited reading, it seems that people employ entire race teams to look after them etc......which is certainly way beyond what I'd want to be having to do. We've got an Ariel Atom and a couple of other fun track toys, but have always lusted after a Radical.....but am I right in thinking it's a massive step up from just showing up, doing your laps then heading home?


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181 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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dh00065p said:
I have run a Radical on track days for the last 12 years, starting with a Clubsport followed by two SR3s.
The Clubsport and the first SR3 I ran myself just doing regular maintenance and spanner checks between each event. I also found that by not pushing the engine to the max in every gear each time you can increase the time between rebuilds considerably. I would then have a more extensive preparation of the car each winter following which I would take the car to a specialist to check my work, do anything that I had missed or didn’t feel competent to do or required specialist equipment.
I would recommend having the 1340 cc Heyabusa rather than the 1500 cc as this will put less stress on the components giving better reliability and longer life. I now run an SR3RS which I share with three others so we now have that car run by a professional team which certainly makes life easier for me and by dividing the costs by four affordable.
The biggest problem I had when running the car was storage which we solved by having a fully enclosed trailer and joining the caravan club so we could store the car securely in the trailer on one of the secure caravan storage sites that are around the country.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the response David.
It is still a bit of a pipe dream at the moment for my brother and I, although he does now own an RS6 which would be the car to tow a trailer, and we do luckily have storage space if we were to buy one. So it really comes down to finances and if it's practical.....given we already have an Ariel Atom, a Noble and Evo 6 between us that are all great on track, do we need to add a Radical into the mix, which does sound like it would require a lot more 'regular work' to keep it track ready, and is certainly a step away from 'turn up, drive, drive home' which we currently do.

But, having said all that, I can't imagine it being anything less than incredible once we were out on track.


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181 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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Order66 said:
Have run my SR3 RS for 4 years now by myself. Initially for track days and now a small bit of racing also. I know at least 4 others locally to me doing the same. The cars are mechanically fairly simple, and there's a lot of knowledge out there.

I'm handy with the spanners, only thing I don't do is internals of engine/gearbox, but capable of removing/reinstalling the engine to send it away for rebuild every couple of years. Apart from that if you're fairly methodical with some basic safery checks then it can be a straightforward car to live with. My biggest problem at the moment is that my uprights are beyond their recommended "life" and need replaced, which is an expensive job, but not complex mechanically.

If you're confident with a torque wrench,changing fluids and generally checking over brakes etc, then there's not much more to it - contrary to popular opinion you don't need to change the setup between each session - I've had mine checked twice in the time I've had it and because I'm generally happy with the feel of the car I don't feel the need to constantly fettle. If you were in a close single-make race series its a different story.
Now this does make it sound more like the sort of thing we'd be able to do. And SR3 RS is exactly what I think we'd be after.
I did help my (more knowledgeable) friend take apart my Evo 6 when I first got it and put it all back together (engine out, removed pretty much everything else from the chassis etc) so I like to think I'm a step in the right direction when it comes to working with a spanner and fluid changes etc, as long as I know how to do it.

So, thanks for this post, it certainly pushes me in the right direction!

Actually, one point I keep forgetting to ask, how loud are they?? We're in the south east, so Goodwood, Brands Hatch, Bedford, Thurxton are pretty much the only ones we'd be looking at heading to....some of those have pretty right noise regs......


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181 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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Olivera said:
No idea, but to me maintaining, trailering and running a Radical race car just for track days, with no intention to race, is moronic. Why not go racing with it? It's a purpose built race car after all. Running it at half-pace behind other road cars on track days is the epitome of 'all the gear no idea'.
Because track days are there for fun, racing is a different kettle of fish? I don't see the problem in wanting the fastest possible track toy to play with on a track day without the pressure/costs etc involved with racing. Not to mention time. Part of the reason this may remain a pipe dream is because at best we manage to find time for 3 track days per year.....I imagine racing requires more time than that!


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9,107 posts

181 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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Order66 said:
UTH said:
Actually, one point I keep forgetting to ask, how loud are they?? We're in the south east, so Goodwood, Brands Hatch, Bedford, Thurxton are pretty much the only ones we'd be looking at heading to....some of those have pretty right noise regs......
They can be made quiet. The biggest risk is the static noise test - high revving engines don't do well here, but on drive-by tests they have no issues. For the static test you need to make sure everything is warm and bring the revs up slowly....and when asking what your red-line is, say 9,000rpm wink

I've also got one of these in my kit:

it clamps on in 2-minutes and does a good job of knocking the edge of your volume - enough to get out at most circuits. I've only actually needed to use it once as we can pass the noise tests without issue generally.
Ok good to know.....that would be a killer if we bought one and found we couldn't even get on track!


Original Poster:

9,107 posts

181 months

Wednesday 24th November 2021
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Stop it guys, you’re making me want to make this more than a pipe dream!