

Original Poster:

19,257 posts

214 months


Original Poster:

19,257 posts

214 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2020
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gareth747474 said:
Nice, but are Radical trying to bankrupt themselves.

First the Rapture....then this.

I have not seen any pics of a Rapture on the road, apart from the press photos and Goodwood.

Both really nice cars.....are there any customers though?
Well I would assume the intention is the opposite! If there are performance advantages of the new car, then people will go out and buy them to be racing at the front. So it would drive sales. Mind you I'm sure when I were a lad and used to do it, the 1500 was rated at 260bhp (not 226). And looking at the new car lineup the only cars that have a chance of selling are the SR3 and the SR1. 4 RXC models, the SR8 and the Rapture, who's going to buy them?


Original Poster:

19,257 posts

214 months

Saturday 8th August 2020
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Any ideas what it is and what it's for? Radicals answer to the Revolution?


Original Poster:

19,257 posts

214 months

Saturday 8th August 2020
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Is it going to be an LMP car I wonder? I presume not. I'm thinking, a faster sr8 with the new solid state electrics and a I'm guessing a motor from ford.


Original Poster:

19,257 posts

214 months

Friday 18th September 2020
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Well we have the sr10, sr3 with a ford ecoboost Haven't we been here before?

Not sure what it's for though.


Original Poster:

19,257 posts

214 months

Sunday 27th December 2020
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Sounds good, should be very enjoyable!