

Original Poster:

1,906 posts

292 months

Monday 21st July 2003
quotequote all
Has anyone here registered on it? Appears completely dead, all of the email addresses bounce, and no information for guests.

I think it would be well worth having a site with information on how to do common maintenance tasks, e.g. best way to change oil, or remove the undertray without the use of a forklift truck (like the factory use!). Talking of which, does anybody know how? Just crack the lowest oil hose from the engine and oil cooler? Is it worth turning the engine over without plugs to get oil pressure again?



831 posts

278 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2003
quotequote all
I'm reg'd on it and so are a couple of others here - including you Danny. Perhaps Andrew D reg'd for you?

It was meant to be access to SR3 owners only for most of the sections so may be difficult to access most of it as a "guest".

I'm not sure if the site is still active though.


Original Poster:

1,906 posts

292 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2003
quotequote all
I'm not a registered member, though I tried - all my email to the site gets bounced. Was there anything interesting on it?

