Need a few pictures

Need a few pictures



Original Poster:

46 posts

275 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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Does anyone have any pics of the following on an SR3

1/ The control to select reverse in the cockpit (not sure if its a lever or a push pull mechanism)
2/ How the reverse cable attaches to the gearbox
3/ A picture of the clutch slave cylinder bracket

I am using the SR3 gearbox in a car I am building and just want to get an idea how Radical designed the above items.

As One

114 posts

263 months

Wednesday 9th July 2003
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Sorry no pics. The reverse lever is a simple, nicely made steel lever attached to a push-pull type cable. The clutch slave cylinder is an ally billet part that replaces the original cover, fixing to the original mountings. If I was you, I'd save myself the hasle and buy the lot from Radical. Hope this helps.