Clubsport wanted

Clubsport wanted



Original Poster:

154 posts

270 months

Sunday 29th June 2003
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Anybody have a Clubsport for sale?
preferably from chassisnumber 5o and up, slide carbs, 4pot brakes and drysumped.
Needed for trackdays..
Budget 10K (longshot, but what the heck..)



2,300 posts

284 months

Monday 30th June 2003
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Mine will be for sale at the end of this season, (moving up to SR4) its got all the bits you describe and a bit more, but yes you are being a bit optimistic at 10k !!



293 posts

269 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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SR4, eh? Something you're not telling us about, Tony? :-)


293 posts

269 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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I concur that 10k is a little optimistic for this sort of spec. However, there was one for sale in Autosport for not a lot more, with lots of spare wheels. It was run quite successfully by Jay Wheals last year, and might still be up for grabs...

alec dudfield

39 posts

261 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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Don't you mean XR4 Tony? doubt you'll be trailing round the Fast Ford paddock at Pembrey.


2,300 posts

284 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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No, No, No, radicals new SR4 guys..... have you not heard ?


293 posts

269 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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2,300 posts

284 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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Oh dear.....


1,906 posts

292 months

Thursday 3rd July 2003
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Tell us all! I thought the V8 was going in an SR3? Does the SR4 have four seats or something?


LRdriver II

1,936 posts

257 months

Wednesday 16th July 2003
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Oops, sorry.. meant to reply to this thread but couldnt as the PC went crazy so had to start another account..

Back to the radicals, I can up my budget to 12k, but I must have a drysump system for trackday use. There are a couple of over priced ones on the market but considering I missed a fully specced one (brakes/drysump/Slidecarbs,crashbox,etc..) for 9K and aonother with brandnew bodywork for the 11.5K mark, I am waiting for the right car to show up.


293 posts

269 months

Wednesday 16th July 2003
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As most of the Clubsports are raced (I think), then November will be the time to pick up a bargain or two...

LRdriver II

1,936 posts

257 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Got one.. all the bells and whistles.. and yes it was the J Wheals car.

Anybody have a checklist they go thru before each outing..this being my first racecar and all..


293 posts

269 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Well done - I saw that pop up in Autosport again last week, and wondered if you'd get it.

I'd strongly advise getting a respected Radical race team (or the factory) to give it the once over, set the suspension up etc. The factory should also be able to provide you with a checklist of things to do before each outing...