SR3 Wanted



Original Poster:

63 posts

286 months

Monday 2nd June 2003
quotequote all
Given up watching Radicals go past me at track days - thought the Noble was quick until Silverstone - looking to get one for the summer season.

Looking for "lightly used" SR3 Supersport, 1500 Hayabusa, dry sumped if possible. £35k MAX - would have to be minted for this. Black or red.

Otherwise I'm going down the new Tracksport route for later in the year.

Please email any details.



384 posts

259 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
quotequote all

you'll be hard pressed to find something of that spec for that price elsewhere, the SR3 is very popular and i doubt anyone will be looking to sell that soon with such a lump off the list price.


Original Poster:

63 posts

286 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2003
quotequote all
Thanks - have tried the factory route - the black one there has been sold as far as I know, for only slightly more than what I'm prepared to shell out. It was pretty much straight out of the box, and looked it, hence my target price.

I agree that the depreciation is frightening, probably the one thing that's making me think twice!! But they're still so quick ?!?! Speed is never cheap !!!
